How To Reduce the Size of a JPEG File

15 min readJan 12, 2024


In today’s digital world where pictures are important, having good-quality images is really crucial. It doesn’t matter if you’re a professional photographer, a designer, or just someone who likes to share photos online — how big your picture files are can affect your digital experience a lot. If your image files are too large, they take up a lot of space, make websites load slowly, and can be tricky to share. Plus, they use up more internet data. To deal with these issues, it’s important to know how to make JPEG files smaller efficiently.

In this easy-to-follow guide, we’ll look at different ways and tools that help you make your images better for the web without losing too much quality. We’ll cover basic ideas like JPEG compression and more advanced techniques using software and online tools for editing images. The goal is to give you the knowledge to handle the details of making your images the right size. As we explore ways to shrink JPEG files, we’ll also talk about methods for both Windows and Mac users, so you have a range of tools no matter what computer you use.

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Come with us as we learn about making images better. We’ll talk about resizing, cropping, and using different tools online and offline. Whether you’re getting a portfolio ready, sharing on social media, or making your website load faster, the tips in this guide will help you make smart choices about your JPEG files’ size and quality. By the end, you’ll not only have practical steps but also a better understanding of handling your visual content in the ever-changing digital world.

Understanding JPEG Compression:

JPEG is a common type of image format that uses a method called compression to make files smaller. Compression means some details in the picture are removed to shrink the file size. This is done because our eyes might not notice these missing details easily. To make JPEG files smaller, it’s important to know about compression and how it affects the quality of the image.

Choosing the Right Compression Level:

When you save a JPEG file using photo editing software, you can pick how much compression to apply. Higher compression levels make smaller files, but the image might lose some quality. Try different compression levels to find a good balance between a small file size and a clear image. A slightly higher compression level might not make a big difference in how it looks but can greatly reduce the file size.

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Resizing Images:

To make a JPEG file smaller, you can change the dimensions (size) of the image. Think about where you’ll use the image — on social media or a website, you might not need the full size. Resizing the image to match where it will be shown can make a big difference in file size without hurting the quality.

Cropping Unnecessary Areas:

Before resizing, check if there are parts of the image that aren’t needed. Cutting out unnecessary parts not only makes the image look better but also reduces the overall file size. Crop wisely to keep the main idea of the image while removing any extra details.

Using Image Editing Software:

Tools like Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, or online options like Pixlr and Canva can help with compression. They have settings that let you control the balance between quality and file size. They also offer features like automatic compression, making the process easier.

Utilizing Online Compression Tools:

If you don’t have professional software, many online tools can compress JPEG files. Websites like TinyPNG, JPEG-Optimizer, and let you upload images and automatically make them smaller without needing to install any software. These tools use smart methods to reduce file size while keeping the image quality decent.

Convert to Progressive JPEG:

Progressive JPEG is a different way of loading images. Instead of showing the whole image from top to bottom, it gradually reveals a lower-quality version and then improves it. This gives a better user experience and can also lead to smaller file sizes, especially for images that people don’t fully look at.

Limiting Color Quality:

JPEG compression allows you to change the number of colors in an image. Using fewer colors can make the file size much smaller. But be careful not to reduce the color quality too much, especially if the image has lots of details or smooth color changes.

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Make Many Changes at Once for Quick Work:

If you have lots of pictures and want to make them smaller, you can use tools that change many pictures at the same time. Some computer programs let you do this, and it saves you time. This is helpful when you have lots of pictures from one event or place. When you use the same changes on all pictures, they will all become smaller and look the same.

Make Websites Load Faster:

When you put pictures on a website, you can make them load faster by using something called browser caching. This means the computer saves a copy of the picture after you look at it for the first time. Then, when you go back to the same website, it shows the picture from your computer instead of downloading it again. This doesn’t make the picture smaller, but it makes the website load faster for people.

Change Picture Types for Different Needs:

Even though many people use JPEG pictures, sometimes it’s better to use other types like PNG or GIF. Especially if the picture has simple drawings or words, these other types can make the file size smaller. But remember, they might not be good for all types of pictures. JPEG is usually better for photos.

Remove Extra Information from Pictures:

Pictures often have extra information like where and when they were taken. This information makes the file bigger. Before you share or put up pictures, you can use tools to remove this extra information. Be careful not to remove important information, though.

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Use Special Ways to Make Pictures Smaller Without Losing Quality:

Usually, when you make pictures smaller, they lose some quality. But there are special ways to make them smaller without losing quality. Some tools can do this, like JPEG2000 or WebP. But not all websites and computers can use these ways, so you need to check if they work where you want to put your pictures.

Keep Your Pictures in Good Shape:

When you have lots of pictures, you should check them regularly. Delete ones you don’t need anymore, and look at the old ones to see if you can make them even smaller. Technology changes, and new ways to make pictures smaller come out. Learn about these new ways so you can use them to make your pictures better for different things.

Learn About Making Pictures Smaller:

Know about the different ways to make pictures smaller and how they affect the quality. Stay updated on new ways to do this, so you can choose the best way for your pictures. This helps you make good decisions when you want to make your pictures better for different reasons.

Using Online Tools to Reduce JPEG File Size:

Making JPEG files smaller can be easy and convenient, not just with regular computer programs but also using tools on the internet. These online tools are user-friendly, meaning they’re easy to use, and they do the job for everyone, whether you’re new to this or a pro.

Here are some tools you can use:

  1. TinyPNG:

This tool is famous for making JPEG files smaller. You just upload your pictures, and it shrinks them without losing quality. It’s quick and easy, perfect if you want a simple online solution.

2. JPEG-Optimizer:

Made just for compressing JPEG files, this tool lets you upload images and choose how compressed you want them to be. It even shows you a preview, so you can check the quality before saving the smaller file. Great for those who care a lot about how their pictures look.


This tool can compress different types of images, including JPEG. It uses strong techniques to make the files smaller while keeping the image quality decent. You can adjust the compression level using a slider, which helps you find the right balance between size and quality.

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4. Img2Go:

Img2Go is an all-in-one tool for working with images online. You can upload your pictures, compress them, and download the smaller files. It also has other features like cropping and resizing, so you can do more than just compression in one place.

5. Online Convert:

This online platform lets you convert between different file formats, including JPEG. You upload your images, choose how you want them to be, and it takes care of the compression. Good for those who need flexibility in both compression and file format.

6. is a more advanced tool that’s both free and has premium options. It’s not just about compression — it also helps with image resizing and optimization for different platforms. If you want a comprehensive solution and are open to exploring more features, is a good choice.

Online tools are easy to use and convenient for people who want to make their JPEG files smaller quickly. You can use specific tools like TinyPNG and JPEG-Optimizer or more extensive platforms like and The important thing is to try different options and pick the one that suits your needs. Using these tools in your image optimization routine can make the process smoother, so your JPEG files are suitable for the web without losing quality.

How to Reduce JPEG File Size on Windows:

To make JPEG files smaller on a Windows computer, you can use different methods. Here’s how you can do it step by step:

Using Paint:

  1. Open the JPEG file with Paint by right-clicking, choosing ‘Open with,’ and selecting ‘Paint.’
  2. Click on ‘File’ and choose ‘Save As.’
  3. Pick the JPEG format and adjust the quality to make the file smaller.
  4. Save it with a new name to keep the original.

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Microsoft Photos App:

  1. Open the JPEG file using the Microsoft Photos app.
  2. Click ‘Edit & Create’ and select ‘Resize.’
  3. Choose a smaller size or enter custom dimensions to shrink the image.
  4. Save the resized image.

Using File Explorer:

  1. Go to the file’s location using File Explorer.
  2. Right-click on the file, choose ‘Send to,’ and then ‘Mail recipient.’
  3. Pick a size for the attached image to reduce the file size.
  4. Save the attached image from the email draft.

Third-Party Software — IrfanView:

  1. Download and install IrfanView, a free image viewer and editor.
  2. Open the JPEG file in IrfanView.
  3. Click ‘File’ > ‘Save for Web’ and adjust quality settings to make the file smaller.
  4. Save the optimized image.

Third-Party Software — GIMP:

  1. Download and install GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), a powerful free image editor.
  2. Open the JPEG file in GIMP.
  3. Use ‘Export As’ and adjust quality settings to reduce file size.
  4. Save the optimized image with a new name.

Batch Processing with FastStone Photo Resizer:

  1. Download and install FastStone Photo Resizer.
  2. Open the software and add the JPEG files you want to compress.
  3. Choose an output format, set compression options, and select a destination folder.
  4. Click ‘Convert’ to process multiple images at once.

Command-Line Compression with ImageMagick:

  1. Install ImageMagick and navigate to the folder containing the JPEG files using the command prompt.
  2. Use the following command to compress a single file:
    magick convert input.jpg -quality 80 output.jpg
  3. To process multiple files, use a command like:
    magick mogrify -path output_folder -quality 80 *.jpg

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To make JPEG files smaller on your Windows computer, you can use different tools. Some are already on your computer, like Paint and Microsoft Photos, while others, such as IrfanView, GIMP, or command-line tools like ImageMagick, offer more options. Try out these tools to see which one works best for you and helps reduce the size of your images.

Resize a JPEG Size Using Paint:

Microsoft Paint is a simple graphics editor that comes with Windows. It helps you change the size of your pictures without needing extra programs. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Open Your Picture in Paint:

  1. Right-click on the picture you want to change.
  2. Choose “Open with” and pick “Paint.”

Step 2: Find the Resize Option:

  1. Once your picture is in Paint, look for the “Resize” option in the toolbar under the “Home” tab.

Step 3: Pick How to Resize:

  1. Click on “Resize,” and a box will pop up.
  2. Choose if you want to change the size by a percentage or by pixels.

Step 4: Set the New Size:

  1. If you’re using a percentage, type in how much smaller or bigger you want it.
  2. If you’re using pixels, choose “Pixels” and type in the new width and height.

Step 5: Keep the Same Shape (Optional):

  1. If you want your picture to stay the same shape, check the box that says “Maintain aspect ratio.”

Step 6: Look at the Changes and Save:

  1. Click on the “View” menu and pick “Zoom In” to see how your picture will look.
  2. When you’re happy, click “OK” to save the changes.
  3. Save the resized picture with a new name to keep the original.

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Step 7: Close Paint:

  1. Close the Paint program, and now your resized picture is ready to use.

Extra Tips:

  1. Paint is good for basic resizing, but if you need to make the file size much smaller, use other tools.
  2. Always save your resized picture with a new name so you don’t lose the original.
  3. Try different sizes to find what works best for your use, like sharing online or printing.

By following these steps, you can easily change the size of your pictures using Paint, which is a simple tool on Windows. Whether you’re getting pictures ready for a presentation, putting them on a website, or just adjusting them for different reasons, Paint is an easy way to do it.

How to Reduce JPEG File Size on Mac:

Making JPEG files smaller on a Mac means using the built-in tools and other programs to reduce the size without making the pictures look bad. Here’s how you can do it, step by step:

Using Preview:

  1. Open the JPEG file with the Preview app.
  2. Right-click on the file, choose “Open With,” and pick “Preview.”
  3. In Preview, click on “Tools” and choose “Adjust Size.”
  4. Type in new dimensions or pick a size from the list.
  5. Make sure “Resample image” is checked to keep the image quality.
  6. Click “OK” to save the changes.

Exporting from Preview:

  1. Open the JPEG file in Preview.
  2. Click on “File,” choose “Export,” and pick a format like JPEG.
  3. Adjust the quality slider to make the file smaller. Preview shows how big the file will be.
  4. Click “Save” to finish.

Using Third-Party Software — ImageOptim:

  1. Download and install ImageOptim, a free tool for Mac.
  2. Open ImageOptim and drag your JPEG files in.
  3. ImageOptim makes the files smaller without hurting the quality.
  4. The smaller files are saved in the same place as the original.

Using Third-Party Software — GIMP:

  1. Download and install GIMP on your Mac.
  2. Open the JPEG file in GIMP.
  3. Use “Export As” to save the file with lower quality.
  4. Adjust the compression level to make the file smaller.
  5. Save the smaller image with a new name.

Using Automator for Batch Processing:

  1. Open Automator on your Mac.
  2. Make a new workflow and add “Change Type of Images.”
  3. Add “Scale Images” to set new dimensions.
  4. Optionally, add “Change Images Size” for more settings.
  5. Save the workflow as an app and drag your JPEG files onto it to make them smaller in batches.

Command-Line Compression with ImageMagick:

  1. Install ImageMagick using a tool like Homebrew.
  2. Open the Terminal and go to the folder with your JPEG files.
  3. Use a command to compress a single file.

convert input.jpg -quality 80 output.jpg

  1. To process multiple files, use a command like:

mogrify -path output_folder -quality 80 *.jpg

If you have a Mac computer, you can easily make your picture files smaller. You can do this using tools that are already on your Mac, or by using other programs you can download. One option is to use Preview for basic changes, or you can try ImageOptim for automatic compression. If you’re looking for more advanced options, you can use programs like GIMP or ImageMagick. Mac offers different ways to make your JPEG images just the right size for the internet while still keeping them looking good. Check out these methods and choose the one that fits best with how you like to work with pictures. This way, your images will be ready for the web without losing their quality.

How to Reduce JPEG File Size in Photoshop:

Adobe Photoshop is a powerful tool for changing pictures, and it can help make JPEG files smaller without making them look bad. Here’s a simple guide on how to do it:

Open Your Picture:

  1. Start Photoshop and open the JPEG file you want to work on by going to “File” > “Open” and choosing the file on your computer.

Go to “Export” Options:

  1. After opening the image, go to the “File” menu and select “Export” > “Save for Web (Legacy).” This option has advanced settings for making pictures better for the web.

Choose JPEG Format:

  1. In the “Save for Web” box, make sure the format is set to JPEG. This format keeps a good balance between file size and picture quality.

Adjust Quality Settings:

  1. Use the quality slider to change how much the file is compressed. Lower quality makes the file smaller, but don’t go too low, or it might make the picture look bad.

Preview and Compare:

  1. Use the preview window to see the original and the optimized pictures side by side. This helps find the right balance between file size and picture quality.

Resize if Needed:

  1. If you want to make the picture smaller, you can do it in the “Save for Web” box by entering new width and height values.

Optimize Metadata:

  1. You can make the file smaller by unchecking unnecessary metadata options. Metadata includes details like camera settings and date, which may not be needed for all uses.

Save the Optimized Picture:

  1. When you’re happy with the settings, click “Save” to save the smaller picture. Give it a new name to keep the original and choose where to save it on your computer.

Use “Export As” (Optional):

  1. In newer Photoshop versions, you can use “Export As” to adjust settings and save the picture as a JPEG. This is a simpler way to export images.

Optimize Many Pictures Together:

  1. If you have lots of pictures to optimize, check the “Batch” option under the “File” menu. This lets you apply the same changes to many pictures at once, saving time and keeping things consistent.

Save Settings for Later:
If you often use the same settings, save them as a preset. This helps keep a consistent look for your pictures.

Reduce JPEG File Size by Compressing It:

Making images smaller for digital use is important, and JPEG compression helps with that. It makes the file size smaller without making the picture look much worse. Here’s a simple guide on how to do it:

What is JPEG Compression?

JPEG compression works by removing parts of the image that our eyes might not notice much. It makes the file smaller while trying to keep the picture looking good. This is helpful for detailed or gradient images where a little loss of information isn’t easily seen.

Adjusting Compression Levels:

When you save a JPEG file, most editing tools let you choose how much to compress it. This choice decides how small the file is and how good the image looks. Higher compression makes the file smaller but might make the image look a bit worse. Experimenting with different levels helps you find the right balance for your needs.

Lossy Compression:

JPEG uses lossy compression, which means some image data is lost and can’t be recovered. The goal is to find a balance where the loss isn’t noticeable to our eyes. When compressing JPEG files, it’s important to find the right balance that meets your size needs without losing the important details.

Lossless Compression:

Besides lossy compression, there’s also lossless compression in JPEG. This makes the file smaller without losing any image quality. However, not all platforms fully support this type of compression.

Using Image Editing Software:

Professional tools like Adobe Photoshop or GIMP give you a lot of control over compression. They’re great for fine-tuning the balance between file size and image quality when you need precise optimization.

Online Compression Tools:

There are many online tools like TinyPNG or JPEG-Optimizer that make compressing JPEG files easy. They have user-friendly interfaces and do the compression automatically. These tools are handy when you want a quick reduction in file size without getting into complicated settings.

Batch Compression:

When dealing with many images, batch compression is useful. Many tools let you compress multiple JPEG files at once. This is helpful when you have a lot of photos or images to manage.

Monitoring Visual Impact:

Keep an eye on how the image looks as you compress it. Preview options in software or online tools let you see the trade-off between making the file smaller and keeping the image quality. Being careful ensures the compressed image meets your standards.


Making JPEG files smaller through compression needs careful thinking. By understanding compression, adjusting levels based on your needs, and using both manual and automatic tools, you can make your images perfect for different digital uses. Whether it’s for a website, email, or social media, compression helps find the right balance between small file sizes and good-looking content.




Hello! I'm Priyansh, a passionate and experienced app developer dedicated to turning your creative concepts into functional and user-friendly digital solutions.