How to Review Our Own App on the Google Play Store?

4 min readFeb 6, 2024


In the busy world of phone apps, it’s tough to get noticed. Good reviews are really important for getting people to try your app and trust it. But instead of just waiting for others to review your app, developers should also think about reviewing it themselves on places like the Google Play Store. This guide will talk about why and how to review your own app on the Google Play Store, giving you helpful tips and tricks.

Understanding the Importance of Self-Reviews:

Before we start, let’s understand why self-reviews are important. First, they help developers see their app like a user does, finding any problems or things that could be better. Second, writing a good self-review lets developers tell people what’s great about their app, like its features and why it’s special. Finally, self-reviews help boost an app’s rating and trustworthiness, which affects how easy it is to find and how high it ranks in the Google Play Store.

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Crafting an Objective Review:

While self-reviewing your app, it’s imperative to maintain objectivity and provide honest feedback. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

  1. User Experience: Assess the app’s design, how easy it is to move around, and how users feel when using it. Find spots where it could be made better for easier use and to make things more convenient.
  2. Functionality: Make sure to thoroughly check all the different parts and things a product can do to make sure they all work smoothly. Write down any problems like mistakes, problems with how it works, or if it’s not working as well as it should.
  3. Performance: Evaluate how fast the app works, how quickly it responds to commands, and how long it takes to load. Find out what things might make the app work differently on various devices and internet connections.
  4. Content Quality: Check out the stuff in the app like words, pictures, and videos. Make sure it’s good and fits what the app is for and who it’s meant for. It should be right, interesting, and match what people using the app are into.
  5. Value Proposition: Think about what makes the app special and why people would want to use it. Point out any cool stuff or advantages that make it different from other apps.

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Submitting the Review:

Once you’ve thoroughly evaluated your app, it’s time to submit your review on the Google Play Store. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth and effective review process:

  1. Open the Google Play Store app on your Android device or access it via a web browser on your computer.
  2. Search for your app using the search bar at the top of the screen. Alternatively, navigate to the “My apps & games” section to find a list of all apps associated with your Google account.
  3. Select your app from the search results or the list of installed apps.
  4. Scroll down to the “Ratings and reviews” section and tap on the “Write a review” button.
  5. Compose your review carefully, providing detailed feedback and constructive criticism where necessary. Be sure to highlight the app’s strengths while also acknowledging any areas for improvement.
  6. Rate your app by selecting the appropriate number of stars (out of five) to reflect your overall satisfaction with the app.
  7. Proofread your review to ensure clarity, coherence, and professionalism.
  8. Once you’re satisfied with your review, tap on the “Submit” button to publish it on the Google Play Store.

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Best Practices for Self-Reviewing:

To make the most of your self-reviewing efforts, consider implementing the following best practices:

  1. Regular Reviews: Make sure to check on how your app is doing and how people are liking it by doing regular check-ins with yourself. Try to do this after you’ve made big changes or updates to see if there’s anything new that needs fixing or making better.
  2. Solicit Feedback: Encourage the people in your team, your friends, and those testing your app before its official launch to share their thoughts. Their feedback is super important as it gives you different views and helps you spot any mistakes or areas that need fixing.
  3. Respond to Feedback: Make sure you pay attention to what users are saying about your stuff, whether it’s good or bad. If someone has a problem, deal with it quickly and openly to show that you really care about making customers happy.
  4. Monitor Analytics: Use tools that analyze data to see how people use your app, how much they engage with it, and how well it performs. Look at this information often to find out what’s popular, what habits people have, and where you can make improvements.

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Reviewing your own app on Google Play is important for its success. Be honest and thorough when doing so. This helps you understand what needs improvement and makes your app better for users. Keep using self-reviews to make your app even better, and ask others for feedback too.




Hello! I'm Priyansh, a passionate and experienced app developer dedicated to turning your creative concepts into functional and user-friendly digital solutions.