10 Best Python Frameworks To Be Used For Web Development

Sanjay Ratnottar
10 min readMar 22, 2022


Python, one of the leading programming languages, has no insufficiency when it comes to frameworks. Each Python framework comes with different features and is suitable for different applications. If you want to explore the top Python frameworks for web development, make sure to go through this guide right away.

What is Python?

Python is a widely recognized interpreted, object-oriented, and high-level programming language that encompasses active semantics. As compared to other programming languages, Python is highly known for its easy-to-learn characteristics.

Being easy, the Python programming language improves the readability of a program. As a result, the across-the-board programming and maintenance costs get reduced naturally.

What are Python frameworks?

The Python framework is a collection of the packages or modules that enables web developers to write web applications and services. A Python framework always depends on the requirement of the web developer and which type of app he/she is developing.

Now let’s have a look at the top frameworks for Python web development.

Top 10 Python Frameworks for Web Development

1) Django

Django is a free, high-level, and open-source Python framework that is extremely beneficial for app developers and coders. This Python framework enables rapid development and clean, pragmatic designs of secure, maintainable websites. With Django, any developer can develop complex and high-quality codes within a few times. If you have a strong foundational knowledge of Python, Django is quite easy to learn.

This full-stack Python framework follows the DRY or Don’t Repeat Yourself principle. With its grand built-in features, Django enables several developers to use the most of it without any hassle.

Key features of Django:

  • A surplus of ready-to-use libraries
  • Assists developers to define patterns of the URLs
  • Easy yet powerful URL system
  • Authentication support
  • Template engine
  • URL routing
  • Object-relational mapper (ORM)
  • Accompanies lots of caches
  • Automatic admin interface

2) Pyramid

Pyramid is a general, open-source web application development framework that has been getting famous among Python users noticeably for the past few years. Backed by enterprise knowledge management system KARL, Pyramid is among the most popular Python frameworks that enable developers to work on their apps with ease. Pyramid runs on Python.

By being extremely flexible and comparably easy-to-use, this framework is generating evolution among Python developers. All types of developers, especially pro-level Python programmers, mainly focus on Pyramid since it can work incredibly with a minimal approach.

The best part of Pyramid is that it can work equally with small and full-scale applications. Altogether there are multiple resources available to enhance its abilities depending on the requirements.

Key features of Pyramid:

  • Flexible authorization and authentication
  • Function decorators
  • Capable of running with small as well as large-scale applications
  • HTML structure validation and generation
  • Support, test, and data documentation
  • Route-based URL mapping
  • Single file applications

3) Tornado

Originally developed at FriendFeed, Tornado is another Python framework that works as an asynchronous library. Utilizing a non-blocking framework, I/O, Tornado effortlessly deals with the C10k issue.

It means that it can handle 10k connections at once only when it gets configured in the right way. Additionally, it is a savior of applications where long polling and thousands of active connections are maintained.

Being extremely versatile and effective, Tornado has accumulated millions of users worldwide.

Key features of Tornado:

  • Provides top-notch output every time
  • Support interpretation and localization
  • User authentication support
  • Web templates
  • Real-time services
  • Allows implementation of third-party authentication and authorization schemes

4) CherryPy

Another most in-demand Python framework is CherryPy. It is open-source, object-oriented, exceptionally quick, and stable. The working process of this framework follows a minimalistic approach. As a result, almost all developers love CherryPy. It is an all-in-one package that takes care of everything, including sessions, file uploads, statics, cookies, and more.

CherryPy allows users to use any type of technology to create templates and data accesses. If you look closely at any CherryPy-powered application, you will notice that the application is a standalone Python application, which contains its very own embedded multithreaded web server and runs on any OS. Since CherryPy is enabled to develop any object-oriented Python program, it takes less time to develop smaller codes.

Key features of CherryPy:

  • Highly consistent
  • HTTP/1.1 compliant and WSGI thread-polled web server
  • A flexible in-build plugin system
  • It contains so many outstanding tools that make authentication, caching, encoding, statics, and sessions easier
  • Inbuilt support for coverage, profiling, and testing
  • Can run on multiple platforms, including Python 2.7+, 3.5+, PyPy, Android, and Jython

5) TurboGears

TurboGears is one of the most used Python frameworks containing multiple WSGI components such as WebOb, SQLAlchemy, Genshi, Rapoze, and more. It is another full-stack Python framework specially designed to keep the requirements of mobile developers in mind. By using TurboGears, developers can develop their Python applications by eliminating all undesirable issues and drawbacks in their ways.

Another feature of this framework is that it allows developers to streamline Python website development by using several JavaScript development tools. The discernible templating and powerful and adaptable ORM make TurboGears one of the best Python frameworks. These unimaginable characteristics present in TurboGears make it the number one requirement of many Python developers without any doubt.

Key features of TurboGears:

  • Great command-line tools are available
  • Supports multiple databases
  • PasteScripts templates
  • MochiKit JavaScript library integration
  • MVC-styled architecture
  • All features get executed as function decorators

6) Bottle

The Bottle is among a group of widely used frameworks in Python, which is a small-scale framework. When Bottle was developed first, the main goal of making it was to create web APIs. But, with time, as it started to get famous among several Python developers, the fame of Bottle has touched the sky.

Now, the major characteristic of Bottle is that it always tries to execute all data and information within small and single-source documentation.

Another interesting fact about Bottle is that it has no other dependencies than Python libraries for crafting small web applications. Enabling users to work closely with the hardware, Bottle makes one of the best python frameworks for personal use.

Key features of Bottle:

  • Dynamic and spotless URL routes for mapping my using simple syntaxes
  • Easy WSGI internals
  • WSGI frameworks work with CGI
  • Speed optimization for testing and providing high-speed performance
  • Fast and Pythonic built-in engine template and backing
  • Allows easy access from data, files, cookies, uploads, and other HTTP metadata
  • Supports third party template engines and WSGI/ HTTP support

7) Flask

Inspired by the Sinatra Ruby Framework, Flask is among the most popular Python frameworks, available under the BSD license. Flask works with the Jinja2 template and Werkzeug toolkit.

Being extremely lightweight and flexible, Python developers tend to love Flask for its high adaptability. On the other hand, the main goal of Flask is to provide all Python developers with a strong application base.

This Python framework was primarily designed for applications with an open end. However, in today’s world, Flask is a very common and popular name, used by so many popular companies like LinkedIn and Pinterest. The micro framework of Flask is compatible with Google App Engine.

Furthermore, its compatibility for small and flexible projects makes Flask the number one choice of multiple app developers.

Key features of Flask:

  • RESTful request dispatching
  • Built-in development server and debugger
  • Jinja2 templating
  • Unicode-based and unit testing support
  • secure cookie support for establishing client-side sessions
  • Support plugging in any ORM
  • Abstraction layer over the WSGI standard

8) Web2Py

If you are a Python app developer who is looking for a scalable, high-quality, top-notch Python framework, probably Web2Py is the best option to consider. When it comes to the full-stack types of Python frameworks, Web2Py stands taller than the rest. It is an extremely user-friendly and open-source python network that comes with its very own IDE, debugger, code editor, and one-click deployment.

Another interesting feature of Web2Py is that it is a cross-platform python developer framework. As a result, it underpins different platforms, including Google App Engine, Linux, Windows, Android, Mac, and so on. The Python development gets streamlined with Web2Py via an online interface, SQL, and a web server.

One of the great facts about this Python framework is that it is a ticketing framework. It means that it issues a ticket each time a mistake takes place. As a result, it becomes easier for clients to have a track of their mistakes and their statuses.

Key features of Web2Py:

  • Enables settlement over configuration
  • Encourages quick web development
  • Devoid of configuration and installation requirements
  • Works following the MVC pattern
  • Readability of multiple protocols
  • Role-based access control
  • Backward compatibility

9) Sanic

Sanic is a Python 3.6+ async web server and Python web framework that is designed in a way that allows it to perform more quickly than other frameworks. It is an easy yet powerful and exceptionally fast framework. Sanic is specially designed so that it can offer extremely fast HTTP responses via asynchronous request handling. These altogether make Sanic one of the top Python frameworks.

Along with providing great speed, Sanic consists of non-blocking capabilities. During the benchmark test with one process and more than 100 connections, Sanic had shown its expertise by handling 33000+ signals per second. It is an ASGI compliant Python framework that enables users to deploy Sanic with an alternative ASGI web server.

Key features of Sanic:

  • Effectively read and write cookies
  • Provides users with class-based views
  • Supports plugin
  • Supports blueprints for sub-routing in an application
  • Enables handlers with easily applicable decorators supports
  • The configuration can get amended using both dot-notions and something like a dictionary

10) BlueBream

Formerly known as Zope 3, BlueBream is a great free and open-source application web server and Python framework that provides Python developers with a competent architecture, transactional object database, tightly integrated security models, and hundreds of other features. This Python framework is built based on the top-notch ZopeTool Kit or ZTK that can effortlessly meet the requirements of different enterprises with high scalability and stability.

It is a production-ready Python web application framework. By being directly intended for enterprise web development, this framework is suitable for medium to large-scale application developments.

Key features of BlueBream:

  • Enhances Python Web Server Gateway Interface or WSGI compatibility
  • Unit and functional testing frameworks
  • A tool for automatically generating forms
  • Many more well-tested cores and 3rd party packages
  • It contains a schema engine
  • An XHTML compliant templating language.
  • The incredibly flexible security architecture that provides a generic mechanism for pluggable security policies

Moving Forward

These were the top Python frameworks and their features and advantages. Hopefully, now you have understood how essential it is to select the perfect framework for your web development project since the selection of frameworks decides the rest.

So, if you are in the web development field and want to begin any web development project with Python, it is always a great decision. Make sure to select the perfect framework, and the upcoming journey will be far more susceptible for you.

FAQs on Python Framework:

1) What is a Python framework?

Python, one of the best programming languages on the entire planet, needs a few modules to write web applications and services. In short, the Python framework is the collection of the packages or modules that enables web developers to write web applications and services.

A Python framework always depends on the requirement of the web developer and which type of app he is developing. Some best examples of the Python framework include CherryPy, Django, Tornado, Pyramid, and more.

2) Which framework is better for Python?

General, open-source, easy-to-use, and full-stack frameworks that provide high-quality web development services are always better for Python. You can consider using Django, CherryPy, Sanic, Web2Py, Pyramid, Flask, and other frameworks depending on your requirements and different features of the different Python frameworks.

3) What framework does Python run on?

There are many frameworks available on which Python can run. However, as a web developer, you should always get your hands on the best frameworks. Some considerable frameworks on which Python runs are AIOHTTP, Django, CherryPy, Sanic, Web2Py, Pyramid, Flask, Tornado, BlueBream, Bottle, TurboGears, and more.

4) What are the 2 frameworks that can be used for Python?

There are mainly 2 types of frameworks that can be used for Python. These are full-stack frameworks and non-full-stack frameworks. A full-stack framework provides Python developers with top to bottom support including basic components such as form generators, form validations, and template layouts. Django, CherryPy, Web2Py, etc. are some examples of full-stack frameworks.

On the other hand, some non-full-stack Python frameworks are Flask and Sanic.

5) Why use frameworks in the Python language?

There are a bunch of good reasons for which web developers consider using frameworks in the Python language. Some of them include:

  • Frameworks help the developer to create codes and develop several applications.
  • Frameworks provide detailed, in-depth structure to all developers so that they can concentrate on the core logic.
  • They come with tested scalability
  • It speeds up the web development process

6) Which Python framework is easy to learn?

Python itself, being an easy programming language, comes with plenty of easy-to-learn frameworks as well. So, depending on your expertise in this field, you can measure the ease of learning any Python framework.

While some experts say Bottle, Django, and Flask are some easiest Python frameworks to learn, according to some developers, CubicWeb, Dash, and Pyramid are easy. So, it exclusively depends on the person who is learning.

7) Which Python framework is best for developers?

There are several Python frameworks available that are great for web developers. But if you are looking for the best Python framework, you should consider using Django. It is a free, open-source, and high-level Python framework that enables rapid development and clean, pragmatic designs of secure, maintainable websites.

8) Which Python framework is ideal for building large-sized web applications?

Django and Pyramid are ideal for building large-sized web applications. Therefore, all types of developers, especially pro-level Python developers, mainly focus on Django and Pyramid since they can work incredibly with a minimal approach.

9) Which Python framework is used in machine learning?

A Python framework named TensorFlow gets used in machine learning or ML. It is the best Python application development tool for advanced solutions. It simplifies building Machine Learning prototypes both for novices and experts. It has built-in modules for visualization, inspection, and model serialization.

Author bio:-

Sanjay Ratnottar is an internet marketing expert at Technostacks Infotech, a leading python development company in India, USA, and UK. As a market researcher, he loves to explore and share technological advancements in the domains of web and mobile.



Sanjay Ratnottar

I am a digital strategist and market researcher helping businesses to grow and generate sells.