10 Top Mobile App Development Trends To Watch In 2024

Sanjay Ratnottar
7 min readDec 13, 2023


Mobile application development has been majorly around from the past two decades. Over this course, it has seen significant advancements in the creation and adoption of new mobile app development frameworks for developers which has led to more efficient, better performing, and improved apps.

In the last decade, the trend for mobile application development was focused on data driven personalized applications. With the advent of 5G networks, mobile networks can now support huge data transfers at high speeds. Hence moving the trend towards data-intensive personalized and experiential applications.

There are a different types of mobile apps available in the market and you should choose the right platform to meet with the latest app development trends. Here are some of the top trends we anticipate will be popular in 2024.

Top Mobile App Development Trends in 2024

I have researched and prepared a list of top mobile app development trends that you should watch out for in 2024. Let’s discuss it one by one!

1. 5G

As governments implement the infrastructure for 5G network-supporting towers, we will see an increased adoption of 5G technology, providing faster speeds and reducing data transfer latency.

This scenario will give way to advanced mobile application development that can handle heavy data-intensive tasks without delays, such as real-time streaming, virtual and augmented reality, and instantaneous Internet of Things connectivity.

This scenario will even lead to further advancements in industries other than telecommunications, like healthcare, transportation, and entertainment.

2. Wearable Mobile App Development

Wearable mobile applications came to the forefront in the last decade when we saw a rise in gadgets with connectivity being built into the things we wear. From wristbands tracking heart rate and physical motion to smartwatches that can act as cellular devices, we have seen a lot of progress in the wearable mobile app development market.

The GlobeNewswire reports that the wearable technology market is projected to grow to USD 380.5 billion by 2028. We anticipate seeing the rise of wearable mobile app development companies working towards providing improved usability experiences and more application options to the consumer of wearable mobile gadgets.

3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Bringing large language models (LLM) into the hands of normal consumers through platforms like ChatGPT has left customers asking for more. Many startups are being built around consuming LLMs aimed at conversations. This scenario has increased the need to bring this experience to the hands of users with mobile applications.

In 2024, we will certainly see a trend of growing mobile applications around AI-generated images, speech, and editing software to introduce effects in audio, video, images, and many more applications.

With 5G providing high-speed internet, it is safe to say more mobile app development companies will evolve to build data-intensive applications on indigenously trained ML models or fine-tuned open-source ML models. On the consumer side, too, it will now be more accessible to consume applications running data-intensive feedback-based operations in the background because our networks would support it.

4. AR and VR

Augmented and virtual reality concepts have been around for the last decade but have been made popular by the gaming industry. With companies like Unity6, EA Games, and Meta are investing heavily in building user experiences that are not just digital but feel real.

With 5G providing low-latency data transmission, we can anticipate a rise in apps that offer AR/VR experiences for gaming, healthcare, shopping, movies, education, amusement parks, and more.

5. Cloud-based App Development

Cloud-based mobile applications are now used comprehensively. We develop and use software-as-a-service (SaaS) cloud applications that were earlier available only on the web. Some categories of such apps are newest banking apps, latest messaging apps, and modern-day cloud storage applications.

A key advantage of having cloud-based mobile apps is that the data is always synchronized with the devices that the apps are being used on. Submitting app updates to AppStore or Google Play for UI/UX improvements does not interfere with data changes. Any service deployed on the web can be consumed on the mobile.

The trend for such apps will continue to grow as the adoption of cloud-based apps and cloud-native development increases in the coming years.

6. On-Demand Mobile apps

With the quick uptick in online presence, everyone wants to provide their services directly to the hands of end-consumers. So, with this increased ease in the availability of online ordering services, we see a rise in on-demand mobile application like Uber, Airbnb, and Doordash. Businesses should hire an on-demand app development services to build a such kind of apps to enhance their daily operations.

Hence, many marketplace-style services have come up that can provide the ability for the user to list their business, and their consumer can go into the marketplace mobile app and shop for services they need.

7. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

From 2023 to 2030, the progressive web app market is set to grow drastically. Progressive web apps are practical web-based applications that can be used as mobile apps without the need to install them or provide huge storage for the app data.

For this reason, a lot of AI-enabled web apps are launched as PWAs. Some industries adopting PWAs at a faster rate are e-commerce and healthcare.

8. Voice Feature

We all have heard about popular voice-based chat-assistant apps like Apple’s Siri, Google’s Classic Assistant or Amazon’s Alexa. We will see a rise in AI-enabled voice-based chat assistants that take human speech as input and evaluate based on natural language processing (NLP) models interacting with LLMs to respond with intelligent answers.

Other than this, we will also see service-specific voice assistants. For example, the client will fill out a digital insurance application using voice-only instructions.

9. Location Feature

When we think about location features in mobile applications, our mind travels to navigation apps like Google Maps or Uber. But the fact is that today to improve customer engagement, all businesses want to know where the user is accessing their services from.

This is the main reason why we will see continued addition of location sharing features in service apps and new use cases for apps needing geolocation mapping services.

Some examples of app categories that are using geolocation today are: weather based, mapping and navigation, social networking apps, dating apps, recommendation apps, health and fitness apps, on-demand apps, gaming apps, travel apps, delivery services apps, and more.

10. Dark Mode and Gradients

We will continue to see the trend for dark mode and gradients in mobile apps even in 2024. The dark mode design feels modern but also offers some realistic benefits like reduction in eye strain.

With the advancement of multiple apps running in the background on mobile devices, gradient and dark mode design features also help with preservation of battery life for devices with OLED screens. Gradients can craft a sense of in-depth movement that makes the involved interface lively.

How Mobile App Trends Affect the Industry?

The mobile app trends show that there is heavy investment being poured into mobile app development services and various industries will see a significant growth in customer engagement and an uptick in revenue.

High speed networks will allow data intensive mobile application use cases for telecommunication, healthcare, transportation, entertainment, education and many more industries. Wearable technology that was earlier known only in the fitness industry is making its way to the fashion industry with clothing fabrics being digitized and gadgets finding their way into belts.

Multiple companies are providing services for monitoring transport vehicle performance using IoT devices. Many IoT tracking devices have found their way into our daily lives like Apple’s AirTag and Google’s Nest which can all be operated and controlled using mobile applications. The gaming industry that made the AR/VR popular will continue to work on making it consumer friendly to increase its adoption.


Mobile app development industry is here to stay. The top mobile app development companies are already adopting all these trends and providing them as services for their clients. Many small businesses that want to launch quickly in the mobile environment must approach the best app development company.

Here we have discussed the latest mobile app development trends you should look for in 2024. We have reviewed 5G, AI, AR, VR, and cloud app development as the top app trends. You can consider these things before developing your application and reviewing these trends.


1. What are the mobile app trends for 2024?

Inclusion of technologies like 5G, Wearable apps, AI, ML, AR, VR, along with Cloud solutions, On-demand & progressive apps, voice & location functionalities and dark mode are the leading mobile app trends for 2024.

2. What is the upcoming and future growth of mobile app development?

Projected growth paths foresee mobile app development will yield more than US $600 billion in revenue by the year 2025.

3. What are 5 key benefits of mobile app development?

Increased customer engagement, new revenue streams, cost savings, improved brand visibility, and enhanced insights are five key benefits of mobile app development.

4. Is mobile app development a good career in future?

The worldwide mobile application marketplace is likely to rise drastically and this is a clear indication of why there would be an upward trajectory in job opportunities for mobile app developers.

5. What there is a rising demand for mobile developers?

Most of the app development companies are looking for mobile developers all the time as there is upsurging demand for mobile apps across all the industries.

6. Is 5G technology the future of mobile application development?

5G technology contributes significantly to the advancement of data-intensive mobile applications. We will see further progression in the network services and speeds that would further see innovations in the field of mobile apps.

Author bio:-

Sanjay Ratnottar is an internet marketing expert at Technostacks Infotech, a leading mobile development company in India, USA, and UK. As a market researcher, he loves to explore and share technological advancements in the domains of web and mobile.



Sanjay Ratnottar

I am a digital strategist and market researcher helping businesses to grow and generate sells.