USA Rail Journey: Day 9 — Salt Lake City

Sanjay Huilgol
3 min readJun 29, 2016


I set out to explore Salt Lake City at noon. I was pretty tired yesterday after reaching at 1:30 AM. So, I slept happily till 10 AM and by noon, was ready to explore the Mormon city.

I used Google’s help to make a list of the places I should be visiting in Salt Lake City. The first one on the list was Gilgal sculpture Garden. It is a small public park and is filled with unusual symbolic statues and poetic verses engraved on the stones. It is not frequented by the visitors and almost called as the ‘Secret Garden’ by the locals.

Gilgal Sculpture Garden

After Gilgal, my next stop was Salt Lake City Public Library. It is quite famous for it’s unique architectural style. It, indeed, is unique. It is built in such a way that the whole building uses natural light reducing the need of lights.

The left hand side pic wasn’t taken by me.

The next important tourist spot is the Temple Square. Salt Lake City is the headquarters for the Church of the Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (LDS Church). The Temple Square is the 10-acre complex owned by the LDS Church and includes many churches in its complex. Salt Lake City is home to the maximum no. of Mormon population. The Salt Lake Temple is a quite beautiful.

The Temple Square

My last stop for the day was the Utah State Capitol.

Utah State Capitol

Salt Lake City is my last stop before California. The epic 3340 miles train journey is almost coming to an end. I am writing this as I wait for the California Zephyr to San Francisco. Yes, it is delayed. Again!

