Life at DUCEN

6 min readAug 15, 2022


“The two most important requirements for major success are: first, being in the right place at the right time, and second, doing something about it”

And I think I am at right time at right place ,Ducen..

Everyone has a turning point and a exciting part in their life where the start their new journey in life I too had the same exciting on August 1st of 2022. Yes ,I started my carrier in my life.

Ducen is the company where I got selected and got a chance to transform from a student to corporate person which gave me goosebumps ,the surrounding made me imagine a lot more about the company ,I was literally speechless at that moment when I entered the company along with my college mates.

There was a warm welcome from the HR Jayashree ,Ginitta , Deepa and Badrinarayanan which made me realize that it was truly a flat hierarchy company where we can approach anyone at the office with a correct procedure then we had induction programs scheduled for the next two days and then we received the welcome kit from the company ,which comprised of a temp flask, sanitizer , mask , a pen and a diary .

This was another one which made me feel more curious what is going to happen next I couldn't control myself then we got to know about the important personalities in the company then we were taken to a tour .The company had three floors and the top floor was a cricket turf and the company’s meeting halls were almost named on the basis of cricket stadium and this gave me a clear view on the CEO of the company Mr.Vish Ramesh was a great lover of cricket , then I wanted to know what is the lunch going to be , as the lunch provided by company was spoken all around as the most superb one as the talk came true that we were provided with the most superb lunch with had welcome soups then lunch items and there was deserts at the ending too the deserts were vanilla ice-cream along with Gulab jamun. Then we again went to the HR Engagement were we again met lot of Ducen staffs in different fields of the company like IT team , Finance team , Admin team , Quality management then the two days went on with company related things then we came to know about Mr.Billy Paul Ebenezer one the most interesting personality I have met in life

This gentle man Billy Paul Ebenezer looked as a simple person but then I came to know that I was completely wrong in judging him ,which made me realize the famous quote “Never judge a book by its cover”

He handled the the training session after the completion of two days of induction program ,

After two days Billy handled the sessions for the whole batch of intern students for two days ,we were a total of 62 members almost in life we all sleep after lunch in normal days I swear that the only two days in life I haven’t sleep in class after my lunch and most importantly after having the delicious lunch at DUCEN .’The Campus to Corporate-Big Bridge’ the topic for the third day then the full day was engaged by him, the next day we were separated into a batch of two which consisted of 31 in each batch.

We were put in a lucky batch where we had Billy as the softskills trainer in the morning session and then we had an another superb trainer Om Malini from ooty the queen of hills who handled SQL for us the first day started with Introduction to soft skills then there was a bitter statement mentioned by Billy that was “Not all the sixty two of us are not going to make it ,only who adopt will survive in the industry ”,though it was a bitter words that is the untold truth that has to be accepted then moving on the training programs we had regular activities in the softskills session then we had SQL in the afternoon session .

Then at the end of the day we had another important thing to do which was EOD where we have to describe the things what we learnt from morning till evening

“At the end of the day, you are solely responsible for your success and your failure. And the sooner you realize that, you accept that, and integrate that into your work ethic, you will start being successful. As long as you blame others for the reason you aren’t where you want to be, you will always be a failure”

There were a lot of interesting activities in the morning session handled by Billy some of the moments were captured by me that made me happy as I love capturing happy moments though I am a part of it, I only love capturing those moments…

There are a lot of activities that were interesting when we joined as a team and played in a way of who is going to win the game made the moments more delightful and there are a lot of skills we have to improve Listening , Presentation , Communication ,Observing all the soft skills is important when we have to start our journey in the IT sector so that we ensure that we are growing along with our age and the days continued to move so fast that we are almost at the ending of the first half of the training period I have some more of the happy moments that I have got after joining Ducen usually I mingle with all the persons around me,

This is where I got a new set of friends almost a new family from Sri Sakthi college where I can roam around along with them very comfortably , to be true they were not like a new set of people In have met in my life they were like a set of friends who are from the beginning of my college life .

These guys are really amazing from the day when I joined Ducen I loved being with these guys where my words were given equal importance and I enjoyed every moment with these guys in a total apart from company’s official timings .

“We met by chance, We became friends by choice and became family by Ducen”

Then at last we had independence day celebration where our ducenites gave a awesome singing and dance performance in the cafeteria .We again got separated into separate teams and we had a quiz session and we received chocolates as a prize .

We joined the company on Aug 1st two weeks went like a flash of light that we couldn’t even imagine ,it was just like a dream but I had a very pleasant and comfortable work experience in these days at Ducen ,The way I got friendly attention from seniors who are easy to mingle made me realize that I can grow along with them like a family .

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.

I am aware that I will strive to succeed in my life! …

