Sanjay Kaul
9 min readMar 7, 2020

LEARN DO TEACH — A novel concept to Learn and Earn Rs 1 Crore in 3 Years from Digital Marketing Internship Program.

Hi, I’m Dr. Sanjay Kaul.MDS

… a practicing Dentist, Periodontist, and Oral Implantologist, in the process of becoming a business acceleration coach. My vision is to constantly help improve the quality of people’s lives worldwide by fulfilling my purpose in the life of growing and giving.

I have been practicing dentistry since 2000 and there is nothing that makes me sadder than seeing Dentists work so HARD and feel so STRESSED and not see results in their business. When I was building my practice, I was so frustrated that while we had Dental colleges to teach us the technical side of dentistry, there was not one single place where we could learn EVERYTHING about the business of dentistry….So I am in the process of creating it.

My goal is to create a coaching program to create the “ DENTAL BUSINESS SCHOOl” that I never had a chance to attend.

“ A Dental Clinic takes 2–3 years to run profitably “ is a myth from the older times when marketing of a clinic was unheard of and the only patients who came to us were people who knew us (Word of mouth).

These days with marketing, things have changed drastically.

Think of our clinic as a car and marketing as its fuel. Unless you’re fueling your car, it won’t run and you’ll just be paying for maintenance, in other words, unless you invest in marketing, you’ll end up waiting up to 3–5 years for your practice to come to speed.

In the past, an awareness campaign consisted of a newspaper ad, billboard, flyers, and word-of-mouth.

With the internet and smartphone usage at an all-time high, Dental marketing has evolved. Not only do these channels provide a better return on investment (ROI), they enable our practice to reach the right people using targeting and audience data.

Comparatively, Digital Marketing is cheaper than offline marketing, but it takes a lot of time and energy to learn how to do it properly, that’s why it ends up being expensive initially.

I took interest in Digital marketing and started consuming lots of content in the form of Blogs, Videos, Podcasts and it was a chance that I stumbled upon this blog Digital Deepak .

As Tony Robbins says “If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you’ll achieve the same results.” Tony Robbins

I adopted this philosophy and started following Digital Deepak. I attended his free webinars first and then signed up for his All Access Pass, so that I could learn from all his courses. However, I didn’t want to be just a Paper King so I got a God-sent opportunity in the form of Digital Internship Programme from Digital Deepak .

I signed up for this program on 23erd Feb 2020.

It is amazing because it was most suited to me.

  • There is the cost involved, so I can take it seriously ensuring accountability and completion of course.
  • There are tasks given so I can apply the knowledge practically and not be just a paper Digital Marketeer.
  • There is a time frame involved.
  • The financial incentive for every task completed so keeps me motivated.
  • 24/7 support in the form of a community both on FB and Telegram Group.

As part of My Vision, My purpose is HELPING thousands of health care providers and Dentists like me to leverage the power of Digital Marketing to reach as many patients as possible so that the society as a whole can be benefitted.

I can resonate what philosophy Deepak has about the GOLDEN TRIANGLE,

Learn, Do and Teach ( image courtesy Digital Deepak)

As part of the Internship Programme I was given the task of writing a Blog and for me putting my thoughts together and writing has been a big challenge, so this is an attempt to come out of my comfort zone. I am sharing some of the learnings that I had from the first class or module of the internship program.

I am going to cover it under the following headings.

  • The Goals of this Internship Program by Digital Deepak
  • Basics of Philosophy of Marketing
  • Scope and Future of Digital Marketing
  • Why Personal Branding and tips for Personal Branding
  • Identifying the Market, Economics basics
  • Identifying the Profitable Niche
  • Ways to select Profitable Niche
  • Tips to identify Market Demands
  • How to Integrated Digital Marketing Process
  • Funnel used by Digital Deepak

The Goals of this Internship Program by Digital Deepak.

  1. Improve Communication skill
  2. Improve Sales Skill
  3. Be a better Blogger, Video Maker and Grow my business
  4. Start a Coaching Business
  5. Basics of Philosophy of Marketing

Basics of Philosophy of Marketing

Before understanding Digital Marketing we need to understand the philosophy of marketing. Marketing is the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising. Digital marketing is just a tool. Marketing is around from the time civilization started and will remain till humanity. However, the tools and technologies may evolve.

3 Basic Philosophies of Marketing.

  1. Psychology: Successful Marketers regularly employ Psychology in appealing to consumers. Smart, skillful, honest marketers use psychology to understand what drives consumer’s decisions. Marketers use psychology techniques to legally, ethically, and respectfully attract and engage consumers, and compel them to make buying decisions

Recommended Books: Influence by Robert b.Cialdini and Meet your Happy Hormones by Catherine Whitlock :

  1. Communication: The marketer uses the tools of marketing communication to create brand awareness among potential customers, which means some image of the brand gets created in their minds that helps them to make the purchase decision. Marketing communication helps move products, services, and ideas from manufacturers to end-users and builds and maintains relationships with customers and prospects.

There are many different types of communication marketing tools, including advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct mail, and event sponsorship. Most companies use a combination of these various tools.

Easy ways to master communication

  • Read a lot ( Start with simple to complex literature )
  • Listen to Podcasts ( 30 Min a Day)
  • Write a lot, the more you write, the better you get (500 words a day). Writing slows your thought process so remember more.
  • Watch English sitcoms( suggested ones The Office, Seinfield, Silicon Valley, and Men and More)
  • Watch stand up comedy shows to learn the culture and local slangs.
  • Learn additional languages.

Selling: “All is when you sell, sell, sell !!!

The selling process is the series of steps followed by a salesperson while selling a product. Selling Process is a complete cycle which starts from identifying the customers to closing the deal with them. Sales are the most paying profession.

Scope and Future of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing simply a better way to do marketing

Marketing + Technology is Digital Marketing

The Benefits of Digital Dental Marketing

There are many benefits of digital dental marketing. Besides the obvious of providing more business, digital dental marketing offers numerous perks.

  • Brand and practice awareness
  • Build stronger relationships.
  • New ways to grow your practice.


  • Digital Marketing will not die because marketing will not die.
  • As needs and products increases, ways to market them will increase
  • Consumer Behaviour is changing world is getting digital

Suggested Read — Scientific advertising by Claude C.Hopkins

Why Personal Branding and tips for Personal Branding

“ Best known will always Beat the Best”

Personal branding is important in today’s economy because you are the most important selling point of your service/product.-People want to hear from people, not from brands

Once you create your brand and build your fame within a community it’s easy to leverage it for your business.


Create your style and establish your tribe.

Publish content in different forms. Write, Publish Videos, Do Public Speaking. With more content, you will “ own more of the internet”

You can get a job, close a client or build your own consulting / Training Business.

Don’t hesitate to put your content out and have fear of standing alone. Stop trying to fit in. Don’t be scared that you will be left behind. Being part of the tribe is a survival instinct a feature of Lizard Brain. The creative/ Logical Brain is to be unique. Even if you are unique you will find your tribe

Show your character and personality on social media. Don’t be scared of personal branding.

Identifying the Market, Economics basics


  • The Average Age of Indians is around 27 years. .As Age goes till 50 years, spending increases so the economy increases
  • India is an Open Market Economy.
  • Huge English Speaking Population
  • Huge Middle Class

There is no need to panic about Inflation, there is an opportunity in adversity, there is survival of fittest and Debt Creates money in the system

Recommended books: Economics 101 by Alfred Mill

Currency Wars by James Rickards

Recommended movie : Big Shot

Identifying the Profitable Niche

Always focus should be on giving solutions. Needs are always increasing so infinite niches are available.

You should be the First and Best in the Niche., #1, Be a Market Leader. People only remember no 1

Go narrow in Niche

Ways to select Profitable NicheI

It Should be a combination of PASSION, TALENT, and MARKET OPPORTUNITY

There is a Japanese concept of Ikigai.

You should Have PASSION, ENJOY doing it, Get Better at it, enjoying doing it even more.

There are 3 major Niches-

  2. MONEY

Tips to identify Market Demands

  1. Use Google auto-suggest
  4. Look for Amazon Reviews
  5. Scratch your itch
  6. Talk to customers
  7. Look for pre and post Products. Service of other Products

How to Integrated Digital Marketing Process

It is more important to execute digital marketing in an integrated way, than build expertise in each digital marketing module. It’s beautifully explained in the Digital Deepak Blog, .He describes how he created the brand and then monetized the brand.

The essence of Digital Marketing is “content”.Once you start producing more content the search engines are going to take note of you and the content starts getting more traffic. An email list can be developed through the generated traffic and content marketing can be done via emails. Paid advertising also helps to build the email list and helps in generating more traffic to the blog. Once email marketing and content marketing do well then the focus can be given on sales and conversion.

Each module such as Content Marketing, SEO, Email Marketing and Social Media Marketing is powerful on its own, but when they are combined uniquely, it’s power goes up exponentially. It creates an unstoppable snowball effect.

Digital Deepak

Funnel used by Digital Deepak

There is an excellent video by Digital Deepak explaining the strategy adopted

To summarize it :

Understand how the Funnel works

  • Move the free line. Publish free online content
  • Build trust through the funnel
  • Make the funnel automated
  • Build relationships on automation
  • Get 100000 people at the top of the funnel to get 1000 people at the bottom of the funnel.
  • Build Brand ambassadors (like first batch interns)


Consumers are spending more time using the internet and less time with other channels. Unfortunately, Digital Marketing is not as simple and straightforward as traditional marketing. Digital marketing is best done in-house and cannot be outsourced to a digital marketing agency for various practical reasons.

The best way to become a Digital Marketing expert is to start practicing Digital Marketing today. The best thing about digital marketing is that you can start doing it on a very small scale. All you need is a computer, an internet connection and a small amount of money to play with. You can learn digital marketing by applying the concepts in your mini-project and this is where this internship program with Digital Deepak trumps over others