What you need to Know about Chat GPT-4

Micheal Ogwude
2 min readMar 15, 2023
Picture of a phone showing OpenAI logo
Photo by Levart_Photographer on Unsplash

Some hours ago, the startup company Open AI launched Chat GPT-4, a new chatbot that is an improvement to the former version. Before getting to where it is now, this incredible AI didn’t receive so much praise at its start due to some flops in it. However, Chat GPT version 3.5, was a considerable development and now there’s the GPT-4. In this post, we’d be exploring all that you need to know about the upgrade made to Open AI GPT-4.

What is it?

From the introduction, it is clear that GPT-4 is an upgrade to previous versions of this AI. But what exactly is it? Just to be clear, GPT is an abbreviation that stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer; this version still makes use of machine learning networks to generate answers for users.

Before its launch, the developers of GPT-4 ensured that this new chatbot was able to create up to 25,000 words which is in opposition to its previous model which was only able to handle an output of 3000 words. With such an incredible improvement, it could mean that writing novels and books with word counts within the output range of GPT-4 can now be written in one day.

Besides being able to generate texts worth 25,000, this new version can generate images. This means that writers can use it as a tool to create book covers in a matter of minutes. Not only is this tool useful to writers, but also to designers, and developers.

During a live interview, it was shown how this new version can build websites from a simple low-fidelity sketch on a piece of paper.

Who is this Chat GPT-4 available for?

As of now, this upgrade isn’t available for free. This means if you are not on the Plus membership, you can’t use the Chat GPT-4. To make use of the tool, you need to subscribe to a sum of $20 per month.

Microsoft however has a version of the Chat GPT-4, but with limited capabilities, one of which is that it is only available on the Bing browser.

Is Chat GPT-4 Flawless then?

No doubt this new upgrade is going to be of great assistance to humans with its multi-functionality. The developer says in an interview that this new version will still share some limitations. These limitations could come in any form which includes biased data since its programming is from a specific organization — Open AI.


Chat GPT-3 is still very much advantageous provided you know how to use it well. However, if you wish to perform more text duties, you could opt for making the yearly subscription for Chat GPT-4.

