GSoC - 2019 First Evaluation

Sanjeev Singh
3 min readJul 5, 2019


Tadaaa…. Guess what, I’ve passed my first evaluation of Google Summer of Code 2019. I have completed all the deliverable and put hard work to go ahead of my timeline. I was regularly working on my project and communicated with my mentors and others who are in the community frequently. They are all doing a great job and always helped me whenever I was in problem.

What I accomplished

After being accepted by CloudCV as a GSoC 2019 student I first configured and started writing front-end unit tests for all of the controllers in AngularJS. It was a big task but I managed to complete it well within the time assigned to the said task, which gave me a warm head start.

After completing the tests, I started working on the further issues/features mentioned in the timeline and I simultaneously worked on some of the much needed urgent features. I completed most of the deliverable mentioned in the timeline and was left with one big feature which was going to take about a week to complete it. While I was working on it, I scheduled a meeting for the discussion but in the meeting something unexpected happened. My mentor said -

Hey Sanjeev, now no need to work on EvalAI(AngularJS) project. I want you to work on another project of CloudCV which is the revamped version of EvalAI and also which is in angular 7. As after some time your work that you have done to EvalAI project is going to be deprecated and there will be nothing left to showcase your work, so I don’t want this to happen. So, are you comfortable working with this project?

And I was like…..

This was out of the blue and unhoped for but when looking at the bigger picture it helped me to learn a lot of new things for which I’m very much thankful to my mentors Rishabh Jain and prem sagar gali who supported me a lot. As for my new project I modified the old designs to look exactly like our current version of EvalAI.

Overall in my first phase I was able to complete writing all the front-end unit tests and build the features/issues mentioned in the timeline of my GSoC project. Some of my major modifications are highlighted in the newly assigned project of CloudCV (EvalAI-ngx) and can be found in the challenge page where I completely recreate the challenge page from scratch in angular 7 with all the working functionality. I also modified all the static pages present in the EvalAI.

What’s Next?

The end of first phase is equivalent to the start of the second phase! I would regularly post my progress and share my experiences during the whole GSoC program.

CloudCV Contributions

If you want any further details about my contributions at CloudCV in the projects EvalAI and EvalAI-ngx, checkout the given link below-

EvalAI Contributions:

EvalAI-ngx Contributions:

I hope you find my blog useful.

Thanks for reading !!

