Multi-Passionate People Are The Best

Sanjeev Yadav
4 min readApr 3, 2020


Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

You are doing one full-time job for the last few years. Sounds good. Having a side gig to experiment on your passion. Even better. Converting whatever you enjoy into sources of income, that’s what multi-passionate people do.

Multi-passionate people are rarely idle.

If they are doing 9 to 5 job, they dedicate full-time to it. Other times, they will still keep themselves busy while working on a freelance project that inflows money. If multi-passionate people still have time, they will explore their artistic side.

You are a software developer, and you love writing too. Medium is your carousel, and this will give you a voice to tell your story to the whole world. Do you enjoy cooking? Start cooking your meals yourself for the sake of experiment. You will always love whatever you cook. There is a different kind of satisfaction in eating self-cooked meals. Good at speaking? Start your podcast channel.

They have financial security.

Compared to only one job, if you have monetised your other talents too then, you have multiple sources of income. It is just an extra security layer on top of your full-time work. And when the side hustles start generating more money than your full-time, then you will think of quitting your full-time job if it is taking a lot of your peaceful me-time and is taxing on your mental health.

As soon as I got the role of project reviewer (in addition to classroom mentor previously) at Udacity, the first income from my remote job ( the Udacity one ) was almost double my full-time salary. It even drove me to quit my full-time job to give time and focus on what I want and narrow down my priorities to that.

Now that I am into my 4th month without a full-time job, I am enjoying it like crazy. Why? Because my remote gig is giving me the following benefits:

  • As a classroom mentor at Udacity, I learn a lot by solving students’ problems.
  • Reviewing their work (course project) by giving constructive feedback improves my communication skills, mainly motivational writing skills. Because if a student does not pass a project, they need to take your feedback positively to start incorporating it in their next iteration of project submission.
  • It gives me more time to start my job search without worrying about financial support.

They experiment with all their skills.

Art is not a one-handed journey. When you explore your artistic side, you do it with a full heart and come up with some new ideas too. There is a sense of achievement when I hit that “publish” button every day.

I become more and more confident in my writing and experiment with different genres like lifestyle, time management, task management, physical and mental health based on my success in those areas. Every day I hit the “publish” button, it feels like I have finished a challenge for the day.

It is more common than you think.

If you ask every coworker if they are working on some side hustle too, you will be surprised to know how many people have freelance projects in their schedule.

By asking and meeting multi-talented people, you will learn that this is not a new thing that just surfaced to you.

Indispensable in office network

You are a software developer with excellent writing skills on the side; you can help the editorial team in improving the content for your company’s blog website.

You have excellent orator skills; you can help a coworker in preparing their presentation.

You have a knack for online shopping for electronics; you can assist your friend in getting them a quality product they can trust.

Never bored

Whenever you feel like your day is a drag, you turn to your secondary gigs to give you some inspiration and keep your mind active all-day.

It opens you to a different way to be productive while killing boredom like a pro.

They leverage their secondary skills in future opportunities.

You append this multi-talented attitude when giving an interview too. You have a lot to talk about, and you are promising in giving them more than required.

You become the definition of an ideal candidate for them. And who doesn’t want multi-passionate skills on the table?

They are interesting

Being multi-passionate means, you are open to a world of possibilities that your full-time job just can’t give you enough chance to experiment.

Do you remember the guy who keeps talking about his life experiences all the time and had some fantastic experiences while freelancing? They have done some great experiments in their life that returned them favourable outcomes.

They can talk about it all day, and you will never be bored around them.

They are independent

Love cooking? You won’t hire a maid.

You are great at finances, get rid of expense management apps and do it on by your system.

You love financial markets, and you will make money with stock market investing or trading. You will make money while sleeping. Now that’s the level of financial independence every one must have dreamt of at least once.

Now if you have some skills that you think are worth a shot, try it. Experiment with them. Give them a platform to shine. You might discover more similar skills like that and may convert them into a continuous stream of income too!

This article belongs to a series of articles I am publishing in this 21-day streak. See the first one here. This one is the tenth one in the lineup — 11 more to go.

To read the remaining ones, navigate to the end of the first article where there is a reference list sorted by day number.

~ Sanjeev



Sanjeev Yadav

Writer • Mentor • Recovering Shopaholic • IITR 2019 • ✍🏼 Personal Growth, Positive Psychology & Lifelong Learning• IG & Threads: sanjeevai