Should you be skipping breakfast for weight loss?

3 min readDec 4, 2019


Breakfast is skipped by most of us and due to that our body does not get the proper nutrition on time. Intermittent fasting is also in trend now a day to lose weight. People are following any diet without knowing the nutrition requirement of their body.

To break down night fasting, our body requires food to boost up our energy and get back to normal glucose levels. Before we start following any type of diet plan, it is required to read all possible effects on our body weight and overall health.

What happened to our body when we skip breakfast?

1. Lack of energy: Breakfast fuels up our body with nutrition for the whole day however if skipped, our body may lack nutrition and it has an adverse effect on the concentration power of the mind. The energetic body gives us more confidence and it improves our decision making power.

2. Dis-balance in meals: Skipping one meal will make you hungrier and this will result in overeating during the consecutive meal. This will result in risky metabolic changes as there is a limit of food we intake if exceeds it gets stored

3. Lack of nutrition: If breakfast is skipped, then we are more likely to make unhealthy food choices before lunch. Unhealthy food will take us away from our dream of the idle physique.

4. Poor digestive system: Our body needs food on time. If we are in the habit of skipping any meal, then our body may be acidic in some cases which is not good. Proper meals on time will keep our digestive system in good condition.

5. Reduction on concentration power: A continuous routine of skipping breakfast will reduce our eyesight power and concentration power which is not good for our health. Whether we are on weight loss training or weight gain, we need food on time with proper nutrition value.

Best food for breakfast:

· Start with fresh fruit juice: Fruits are a good source of instant energy and provide glucose to our body. We can have a banana, orange, and apple. Banana is good for weight gain while orange can help in reducing weight.

· Bread with low-fat milk: If you are on weight gain training then bread and milk are the perfect food combination. Bread is rich in fiber and milk is a good source of protein.

· Oats and cheese: We can see many people around us who are using oats in breakfast due to its high nutritional quantity. Oats contain fiber, magnesium, and phosphorus. You can cheese as additional food along with breakfast during weight gain training.

· Baked beans and sprouts: Beans can also be a good choice for breakfast. They are rich in zinc, copper, and vitamins. If you are looking to have more iron and carbohydrate, then add sprouts in your breakfast. We can take almond and raisins along with other breakfast meals to make it more nutritious.

· Egg and bread: Bread and eggs are good combinations. Omelet is used by most of the people who do work out on a regular basis. Eggs are a good source of protein and carbohydrates.

Skipping breakfast once in a week has better results however on a daily basis, we need to have controlled diet plans and should not practice the same more than a week. Always take your dietician's permission before starting any new diet plan.

