Diagramming and describing an AWS architecture

Sanjeewa Fernando
3 min readOct 1, 2020


Five pillars described in the AWS well architected framework


  • Draw an architecture diagram on “how to host a website on AWS with Amazon S3, CloudFront and Route 53” using online tool app.diagrams.net
  • Describe the above architecture diagram

AWS Well-Architected and the Five Pillars

Pillar, in architecture and building construction represents the stability. Cloud architects follows AWS Well-Architected Framework when building secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure for their applications and workloads. It describes the key concepts, design principles, and architectural best practices for designing and running workloads in the cloud.

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Based on the below five pillars, it provides a consistent approach for customers and partners to evaluate architectures, and implement designs that can scale over time.

1. Operational Excellence

  • The ability to run and monitor systems to deliver business value
  • To continually improve supporting processes and procedures

2. Security

  • The ability to protect information, systems, and assets while delivering business value

3. Reliability

  • Ensuring a workload performs its intended function correctly and consistently when it’s expected to
  • A resilient workload quickly recovers from failures to meet business and customer demand

4. Performance Efficiency

  • Focuses on using IT and computing resources efficiently
  • Selecting the right resource types and sizes based on workload requirements

5. Cost Optimization

  • Focuses on avoiding unnecessary costs
  • Meet business needs without overspending

Drawing the diagram

  • Head on to app.diagrams.net
  • Search feature got you covered with finding the required icons faster
  • Follow this link to explore more about Architecture Diagrams and download toolkits, assets for building architecture diagrams
  • Once you done there are many formats which is available to save your work. Here I have used a png image in the describing section of this article
Interface of the app.diagrams.net online tool

Describing the architecture

Saved png image of the architecture diagram

Amazon Route 53

  • It is a highly available and scalable cloud Domain Name System (DNS) web service
  • Once the client hits the website URL it translates the domain name into IP addresses to direct traffic to your website
  • It is configured to direct to CloudFront, whenever a request is coming on to the domain name URL
  • It performs domain registration, DNS service and health checking

Amazon CloudFront

  • For both static and dynamic websites, you can provide low latency delivery to your global end users with Amazon CloudFront
  • The origin (location where content is stored) of the CloudFront is set to the S3 bucket
  • When you use AWS origins such as Amazon S3 you don’t pay for any data transferred between this service and CloudFront

Amazon Certificate Manager

  • Lets you easily provision, manage, and deploy SSL/TLS certificates for use with AWS services
  • It is used to secure network communications and establish the identity of websites over the Internet
  • Here the certificate is attached to the CloudFront distribution

Amazon S3

  • An Amazon S3 bucket name is globally unique
  • Our website is hosted on a S3 bucket (with static website hosting enabled) and configured as an origin to CloudFront


I found this descriptive video when finding for a simple architecture for this article. Be sure to check out AWS Full-Stack YouTube channel for more content.

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