Keywords being the inner core of SEO

Sanjib Kumar Das
3 min readNov 10, 2021


Keywords being the inner core of SEO

When a person searches for any item or anything then they are more likely to choose the top five suggestions which the search engine shows to them. These top suggestions are nothing but the result of an effective SEO strategy.

A good SEO strategy helps to rank your website higher in results thus making your online presence more visible. As a result, the percentage of potential customers increases at a much faster pace.

Understanding the concept of SEO

The full form of SEO stands for “search engine optimization”. It works in making your website more visible to the users. As a result, higher chances of getting traffic on your website. You have a full chance to convert your prospects into loyal customers.

· Below are some of the major benefits of adopting an effective SEO strategy: -

· Helps in generating more quality leads

· No more need to pay more for ranking organically

· People do get inclined towards the organic results

· It helps you stay ahead of the competition

· Tracking the SEO results is quite easy

· A beneficial long-term marketing strategy

· Gives an outstanding user experience

· Helps in building a positive relationship with the other websites

· Generating quality traffic

How does SEO work?

It’s a process of taking steps to help the website or piece of content rank higher on Google. There are two types of SEO Services: -

· On-page SEO: — all the strategies happen on the website

· Off-page SEO: — here strategies happen off on website

We could understand the process by a simple example. There are two websites namely A and B. in this case the Website A is not generating much traffic whereas the other website B is getting more responses.

Hence, with help of SEO search engines gets clarification on which website is more friendly. Similarly, there are many key elements of SEO without which they can’t perform well.

Key elements of the SEO

To make the website more visible, SEO takes the help of certain key elements. They are as followed: -

· Content- an important element of an effective SEO strategy. Considering what kind of information, you want to convey to users is of utmost importance.

· Keywords- these are the terms that users type in the search engine. Hence, possessing a relevant keyword is of utmost importance.

· Meta title and meta description- the title is published in SERPs which is a maximum of 55 characters. While the meta description is the text displayed in the SERPs under the meta title.

Importance of the Keywords in the SEO

These keywords should be on the top priority list of any SEO Services in Bangladesh. It tells the search engines about the content of your website’s page. It is a term that refers to the words and phrases that people enter into a search engine to find information that they are looking for.

However, these keywords may range from a single word to complex phrases. The audience does use it for searching their need on the search engine. In other words, you can say that the keywords do play a connecting tool between the target audience and the website.

Below are major benefits of possessing the right kind of keywords: -

· It does identify and speak the language of the target market

· Creation of useful content for the target audience

· Keywords tell the search engine that a particular webpage is apt for a certain query

· Improves the search engine rankings

· Driving the larger qualitative traffic to appropriate webpages

· Consumers can find you directly instead of approaching your competitors

· Tells the what information the consumers are searching for

· Helps in the generation of new ideas for the content


A proper study and implementation of keywords work as driving traffic to the specified URL. Hence, they are profitable matter to every person who wants to make his/her website identified to people.



Sanjib Kumar Das

Sanjib Kumar Das is an Indian business enthusiast and entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in web development, eCommerce portals & app development.