The Best Full Body Workout Routine for Women

Sanjiv L
3 min readJul 8, 2019


Get in the best shape of your life over the course of the next 12 weeks by using the best full body workout routine for women! Read on and learn more!

Workout Summary

Main Goal

Lose Fat

Workout Type

Full Body

Training Level


Program Duration

10 weeks

Days Per Week


Time Per Workout

60–90 minutes

Equipment Required

Bands, Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, EZ Bar, Exercise Ball, Machines

Target Gender


Recommended Supplements

Protein Powder, multi-vitamin, PreWorkout


M&S Team

Workout PDF

Workout Description

When it comes to women’s specific weight training, full body workouts make a lot of sense.

For one, women seem to have an accelerated recovery rate when compared to their malecounterparts. Some of which can be explained by their relative intensity levels, natural muscle distribution, favorable mobility, and hormone profile.

All that, and let’s be real for second, women are tougher than men.

Reason number two, and as a result of reason number one, the increased training frequency leads to better muscle tone, strength, and leaner physiques.

So, if that sounds like something you’re personally interested in keep reading.

Outlined below is the best full body workout program for most (healthy) women.

Full Body Workouts for Women

Outlined below are 4 full body workouts perfect for women looking to build lean muscle, lose fat, and increase strength.

As written, the program can be performed in an every other day fashion where you rotate the workouts each day you go to the gym.

Alternatively, you can perform the workouts on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday (or in a 2 days on/1 day off fashion).

Each workout is broken up into a primary workout. These are the exercises that are necessary to perform on that training day. For your rest periods, you’ll want to rest anywhere between 45–90 seconds. For larger lifts, such as squats, you may want to take the full 90 seconds.

After the primary workout on each day is an additional optional workout you can perform immediately after your primary full body workout. These additional workouts isolate the glutes, core, and arms. For your rest periods with these exercises, limit them to 30 seconds.

The reason for the two glute isolation workouts is due to the common goal among women to grow their glutes. This is best achieved through training the glutes at least 4 times per week, with two of the glute workouts being isolated-focus with higher repetitions.

Any of these additional bonus workouts can be altered in any way that best fits your own individual goals.

Women’s Full Body Workout 1

ExerciseSetsRepsSquat46–8Leg Press310–15Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat38–12 EachOverhead Press48One Arm Dumbbell Row46–8Lat Pull Down38–12Optional Additional Exercises 1ExerciseSetsRepsHyperextension315–20Single Leg Glute Bridge310–15 EachMini Band Hip Thruster315

Women’s Full Body Workout 2

ExerciseSetsRepsGoblet Squat312–15Dumbbell Stiff Legged Deadlift310–12Lateral Lunge312 EachDumbbell Bench Press38–10(Assisted) Pull Up3MaxInverted Row3MaxOptional Additional Exercises 2ExerciseSetsRepsDumbbell Curl312Rope Pressdown312EZ Bar Curl312EZ Bar Overhead Extension312

Women’s Full Body Workout 3

ExerciseSetsRepsSumo Deadlift46–8Hip Thrust46–8Barbell Row46–8Seated Dumbbell Press38–12Lateral Raise310–12Push Up3MaxOptional Additional Exercises 3ExerciseSetsRepsPlank3Max TimeExercise Ball Crunch320Hanging Leg Raise312–15

Women’s Full Body Workout 4

ExerciseSetsRepsPlie Squat312–15Dumbbell Rear Lunge312–15Landmine Romanian Deadlift312–15T-Bar Row48–12Incline Dumbbell Bench Press312–15Cable Face Pull315–20Optional Additional Exercises 4ExerciseSetsRepsFrog Pumps320–25Glute Kick Back315 EachAdduction Machine (or Banded)312Abduction Machine (or Banded)312


The above workout is a great full body workout for women that can be used regardless of your goal.

The set up of the program allows you to maximize your results in the gym — whether you are looking to build lean muscle, burn fat, increase your strength, or a combination of all of those goals.

The workout can be altered in any way necessary to fit your goals and the availability of equipment you have at your gym.

If you have any additional questions about the program, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below!



Sanjiv L

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