What is Copywriting and where to start?

Sanju biswas
3 min readAug 11, 2020



If you have often wonder what copywriting is and how much a copywriter makes and if you want to be a copywriter so make sure you read the full article.

First of all copywriting is different from copyright! now copywriting in very simple words is a set of words which will compel the reader to take some kind of actions now that action can be signing up for something, registering for something, buying something, or any other action that you are actually compelling someone to take using those words, copywriters are usually hired by businesses in order to write landing pages, write a sales letter, social media post, etc.

In order to make the readers take some action and everywhere you go online or even offline you are surrounded by copy remember that advertisement that was asking you to buy something that was a copy remember the last Facebook ad that you saw that was asking you to register in some webinar that was a copy, for example, let see you are selling something if you keep talking about the product without asking people to buy it that not a good copy if you are only talking about buy buy buy this product and not saying what this product is or who you are selling it to and what are its benefits again it’s a bad copy. Good copy usually follows the AIDA Formula, now AIDA is basically a formula that most efficient copywriters used and the AIDA Formula stands for

  1. A= Attention
  2. I= Interest
  3. D= Desire
  4. A= Action

Now everything that actually asking you to take some action especially it is an action that will pay the person who’s advertising some money then yes it is definitely a copywriting.

Image of copywriting

The world cannot run without business and guess what every business needs copy to sell the product they are delivering or the service they are offering and if you become a copywriter you will be highly valuable to any business that you work with. Now copywriting has a lot of niches and you can choose the one that you love the most there are products, software, personal development, online education and my personal favourite coaching.

There are many other niches but you really need to find out what is your true calling and that will only happen when you start thinking yourself what are the kind of products you feel the most passionate about and then you can think about if you can go about being a copywriter and.

No being a copywriter you do not really need to be able to write brilliant English you don’t really need to have a master’s in the English language you just need to relate to people and speak in a way that will make them want to buy the thing that you are talking about. There are many ways to learn copywriting online and there are plenty of resources on youtube, Coursera that are about copywriting, business writing, etc.


To submit up copywriting is a mix of three things first writing, secondly psychology and lastly sales and when all these come together you write brilliant copy.



Sanju biswas

Digital marketer | Freelancer | Seo Executive contact sanju8750biswas@gmail.com