Tannic Acid Powder Market Size, Growth, Forecast 2023–2030

5 min readNov 18, 2023


Tannic Acid Powder Market Size

Market Overview and Report Coverage

Tannic acid powder, also known as tannins, is a natural organic compound commonly found in various plant species. It is widely used in industries such as healthcare, food and beverages, textiles, and leather processing, among others. Tannic acid powder possesses antiviral, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties, making it useful in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Additionally, it is utilized as a flavoring agent, as well as in the production of dyes, inks, and tanning agents.

The future outlook of the tannic acid powder market appears promising. The increasing demand for natural and organic ingredients in various industries, such as pharmaceuticals, personal care, and food and beverages, is a significant driver for market growth. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the potential harms associated with synthetic ingredients, which has led to a shift towards natural alternatives like tannic acid powder.

The current market for tannic acid powder is already witnessing substantial growth. Rising health concerns, coupled with the expanding food and beverages industry, are driving the demand for tannic acid powder as a natural preservative and flavor enhancer. Additionally, the growing textile and leather industries are fueling the demand for tannic acid powder in the manufacturing processes. The market is expected to experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of % during the forecasted period.

Furthermore, ongoing research and development activities aimed at exploring new applications of tannic acid powder are expected to boost its market growth. However, challenges such as fluctuating prices of raw materials and the availability of synthetic substitutes may hinder the market’s progress. Overall, the tannic acid powder market is anticipated to witness steady growth driven by increasing consumer awareness and demand for natural ingredients across various industries.

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Market Segmentation

The Tannic Acid Powder Market Analysis by types is segmented into:

  • Industrial Grade
  • Pharmaceutical Grade
  • Food Grade
  • Others

The tannic acid powder market is categorized into different types based on its application and quality standards. The industrial grade tannic acid powder is primarily utilized in a range of industrial processes and products, such as leather tanning, ink production, and metal treatment. Pharmaceutical grade tannic acid powder adheres to specific quality requirements and is commonly used in the production of medications and healthcare products. Food grade tannic acid powder meets safety standards for use in food and beverage products. Lastly, the “others” category includes tannic acid powder used in various non-standard applications.

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The Tannic Acid Powder Market Industry Research by Application is segmented into:

  • Beer and Wine Industry
  • Textile Industry
  • Leather Industry
  • Food Industry
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Others

Tannic acid powder finds extensive application in various industries. In the beer and wine industry, it is used for clarification and flavor enhancement. The textile industry utilizes it as a mordant in dyeing and printing processes. It also acts as a tanning agent in the leather industry. In the food industry, it functions as an antioxidant and preservative. The pharmaceutical industry utilizes it for medicinal purposes. Additionally, tannic acid powder finds application in other industries such as cosmetics and water treatment.

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In terms of Region, the Tannic Acid Powder Market Players available by Region are:

  • North America:
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Europe:
  • Germany
  • France
  • U.K.
  • Italy
  • Russia
  • Asia-Pacific:
  • China
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • India
  • Australia
  • China Taiwan
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • Malaysia
  • Latin America:
  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • Argentina Korea
  • Colombia
  • Middle East & Africa:
  • Turkey
  • Saudi
  • Arabia
  • UAE
  • Korea

What are the Emerging Trends in the Global Tannic Acid Powder market?

The global tannic acid powder market is witnessing several emerging trends. One such trend is the increasing demand for tannic acid powder in the pharmaceutical industry, mainly for its antioxidant properties and ability to treat various ailments. Another emerging trend is the growing use of tannic acid powder in the food and beverage industry as a natural food additive and flavor enhancer. Furthermore, the market is also experiencing a shift towards sustainable and eco-friendly production methods and packaging for tannic acid powder, in response to increasing consumer awareness and demand for environmentally friendly products.

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Major Market Players

Silva team is a leading player in the competitive tannic acid powder market. The company is involved in the extraction and production of tannic acid from natural sources. Silva team has a strong reputation for providing high-quality tannic acid powder to various industries such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, and textiles. The company has a robust distribution network, ensuring its products reach customers globally.

Alvinesa Natural Ingredients is another major player in the tannic acid powder market. With a focus on sustainability and environmental conservation, Alvinesa Natural Ingredients specializes in producing tannins from grape pomace, a byproduct of winemaking. The company has achieved significant growth in recent years due to the rising demand for natural and eco-friendly products. Alvinesa Natural Ingredients has expanded its market presence by establishing partnerships with several international distributors.

Nutra Green Biotechnology Co. is a well-established player in the market. The company is known for its advanced technologies in tannin extraction and production. Nutra Green Biotechnology Co. has experienced steady growth over the years, driven by its strong research and development capabilities. The company continuously introduces innovative products and expands its product portfolio to cater to the evolving needs of its customers.

Triveni Chemicals is a prominent manufacturer and supplier of tannic acid powder. The company has a diverse customer base across various sectors such as pharmaceuticals, leather processing, and wood preservation. Triveni Chemicals has a long history in the industry and has built a strong reputation for delivering high-quality products. The company focuses on research and development to improve its production processes and enhance customer satisfaction.

The market size of the tannic acid powder industry is expected to witness substantial growth in the coming years. Growing awareness about the health benefits of tannic acid, along with its applications in diverse industries, is driving the demand. The global tannic acid market size was valued at USD million in 2020 and is projected to reach USD billion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate of %.

Sales revenue for the listed companies varies based on their scale of operations and market reach. For instance, Silva team reported sales revenue of USD 50 million in the fiscal year 2020, while Alvinesa Natural Ingredients recorded revenues of USD 35 million. Triveni Chemicals achieved sales revenue of USD 25 million during the same period. These figures indicate the significant market presence and growth potential of these companies within the tannic acid powder market.

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