Configuring Amazon SES with Mantis Bug Tracker for Email Notifications

Sankaranand Balaradjou
2 min readSep 10, 2012


So you deployed one of best bug tracker system in your ec2 instance and was wondering how to configure its email setting with SES ? After Amazon Introduced SMTP accounts, things that were so complicated become so easier. Every application that supports SMTP connection method made it possible and compatible to be used with Amazon SES.

But things are not simple with Mantis Bug Tracker Configuration because the basic configuration file does not contain the necessary attributes needed for configuring Amazon SES SMTP email or Google SMTP Accounts. They are just enough for an ordinary SMTP settings. So after doing some research over a couple of forums and user tryouts, the following configuration listed below works

# — — Email Configuration — -
$g_phpMailer_method = PHPMAILER_METHOD_SMTP; #For SMTP Method
$g_smtp_host = ‘’; #Your SES SMTP Host
$g_smtp_connection_mode = ‘tls’; #It is mandatory for SES and Gmail SMTP
$g_smtp_port = 587; #For some Reason only this port was working in SES
$g_smtp_username = ‘SMTP Username’; # Your SES SMTP Username
$g_smtp_password = ‘SMTP Password’; # Your SES SMTP Password
$g_administrator_email = ‘’; #Email displayed at footer (Must be an approved sender list in SES)
$g_webmaster_email = ‘’; #Verified SES Sender Email
$g_from_email = ‘’; # From Address (Verified SES Sender Email)
$g_return_path_email = ‘’; # the return address for bounced mail
$g_from_name = ‘From Name’;
$g_enable_email_notification = ON;

The above configuration will do the trick and you can start receiving emails from Mantis Bug Tracker :) Fire up the comments section if you had any doubts in it !!!

Originally published at Sankaranand blog.



Sankaranand Balaradjou

Founder @ Pulsebay Coworking and Cofounder @ Willdoo Education