Blockchain for Social Impact

Sanket Mehta
6 min readMar 17, 2018

How one technology has the potential to revolutionize the world we live in. For the good. For the better.

Prior to the 1400's, knowledge was limited to a few regions and was consumed mostly through inscriptions on stone, caves and handwritten scrolls. The invention of the printing press circa 1440, helped make knowledge more widespread and solve the knowledge gap. Then came the steam engine giving birth to the industrial revolution and making energy more readily available and solving the energy gap. Combing both knowledge and energy, the invention of the internet in the 1900’s made distances seem small and information was now widely accessible across the globe solving the distance gap. In the current millennium, with the rise of alternative facts, fake news, scandals and rogue traders, we are now facing a trust gap. And how do we solve that?

One of the possible answers to solving the trust gap may lie in the technology behind bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies: Blockchain.

So what is Blockchain, you may ask? Richie Etwaru explains it beautifully in this TEDx video.

Imagine you are purchasing a house. You go to the title search agency to search all the…



Sanket Mehta

Envisioning a better future, and everyone’s included. Above and beyond sustainability and social impact #changemaker