Angular Architectural Decisions

Sanket Thotange
7 min readAug 10, 2023

Angular developer making architectural decisions based on customer requirements most people think is a myth. But, there are several important aspects to consider when creating a proof of concept (POC) to better understand your customer’s needs and wants. These aspects will help you build a strong foundation for your Angular application and ensure that it meets the requirements of your customers. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Project Structure and Modularization:

  • Define a scalable project structure that promotes modularity and separation of concerns.
  • Create feature modules that encapsulate related functionality.
  • Demonstrate how to lazy-load modules for optimal application performance.

Example: Imagine your Angular project is a house. You’d want to organize it with separate rooms (modules) for the kitchen (user management), bedroom (dashboard), living room (data visualization), etc. This way, you won’t trip over furniture (code) all the time!

Why did the developer refuse to use modules? Because they thought spaghetti code was a delicious programming language!

2. State Management:

  • Evaluate different state management approaches like Angular’s built-in services, NgRx, or Akita.
  • Implement state management in the POC to showcase how data flows and interacts between components.

Example: State management is like having a shared shopping list in a family. Everyone can add, update, or remove items (data) without causing confusion. No more buying the same groceries twice

Why did the state manager go on vacation? They needed a break from constantly handling other people’s problems!

3. Routing and Navigation:

  • Showcase how Angular’s router can be used for navigation and routing in the application.
  • Illustrate how to implement nested and parameterized routes.

Example: Think of your Angular app as a GPS navigation system. The router is the guide that tells you which way to turn (navigate) to reach your destination (views).

Why did the developer get lost on their way to the function? They didn’t follow the router’s instructions and ended up in the void!

4. Component Architecture:

  • Design reusable components that can be easily composed to build complex UIs.
  • Implement smart and dumb components to separate business logic from presentation logic.

Example: Components are like LEGO bricks. You can assemble them in various ways to build awesome structures (UIs). It’s like creating a futuristic robot from a bunch of colorful blocks!

Why did the component feel lonely? Because it couldn’t find its friend in the DOM!

5. HTTP Client and API Integration:

  • Demonstrate how to use Angular’s HttpClient to communicate with backend APIs.
  • Handle HTTP errors, loading states, and implement error handling strategies.

Example: Sending HTTP requests is like ordering food from a restaurant. You ask for specific dishes (data) from the menu (API), and the waiter (HTTP client) brings them to your table (app).

Why was the developer always hungry? Because they couldn’t resist the temptation to constantly order data from the API restaurant!

6. Form Handling and Validation:

  • Showcase Angular’s reactive forms approach for form handling and validation.
  • Implement custom form validation logic to cater to specific customer requirements.

Example: Form validation is like checking the credentials of someone entering a secret club. If they don’t have the right passcode (valid input), you deny them access!

Why did the developer become a gardener? They loved watching forms grow with input fields blossoming!

7. Authentication and Authorization:

  • Create a basic authentication mechanism using Angular’s guards and services.
  • Implement role-based access control to restrict certain parts of the application.

Example: Authentication is like showing your ID card at the entrance of a party. Only if you are on the guest list (authenticated) can you enter and enjoy the festivities (authorized access).

Why did the authentication server go to a comedy show? To validate all the funny IDs, of course!

8. Internationalization and Localization:

  • Show how to internationalize the application using Angular’s i18n features.
  • Provide translations for different languages based on customer needs.

Example: Imagine your Angular app is like a talented polyglot who can speak multiple languages. With internationalization, your app can greet users in their preferred language, making them feel at home, no matter where they are!

Why was the Angular app an excellent language learner? Because it knew how to “i18n-telligently” adapt to any culture!

9. Testing Strategies:

  • Implement unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests in the POC.
  • Utilize testing libraries like Jasmine, Karma, and Protractor.

Example: Writing tests for your Angular app is like having a team of dedicated QA testers. They thoroughly check each part of your app to ensure it works as expected. It’s like having a safety net for your code!

Why did the QA engineer become a comedian? Because they loved writing tests that always made the code laugh!

10. Performance Optimization:

  • Implement best practices for performance optimization, such as lazy loading, Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, and tree shaking.
  • Measure and showcase improvements gained through optimization techniques.

Example: Optimizing your Angular app is like giving it a performance-enhancing upgrade. Just like a well-tuned sports car, your app will run faster, smoother, and impressively handle any race (user interaction).

Why was the Angular app always the first to finish the race? Because it knew the shortcuts to optimal performance!

11. Error Logging and Monitoring:

  • Integrate error logging and monitoring services to track and analyze application errors.
  • Show how this data can be used to improve the application’s stability and performance.

Example: Error logging and monitoring are like having a security guard keeping an eye on your app 24/7. They quickly alert you when something goes wrong, allowing you to fix issues before they become big problems!

Why did the app’s error logger win an award? Because it was “exceptionally” good at catching bugs!

12. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD):

  • Set up a CI/CD pipeline to automatically build, test, and deploy the application.
  • Showcase how changes in the codebase trigger automated builds and deployments.

Example: CI/CD is like having a personal assistant who automates the build, test, and deployment process. Whenever you push new code to the repository, your assistant kicks into action, ensuring the app is always up to date!

Why did the developer get hired as a CI/CD specialist? Because they loved delivering code like a well-oiled assembly line!

13. Accessibility (a11y):

  • Ensure the POC adheres to accessibility guidelines to cater to users with disabilities.
  • Use Angular’s built-in accessibility features and tools to improve usability.

Example: Implementing accessibility features in your Angular app is like installing ramps and elevators in a building. It ensures that everyone, regardless of ability, can access all the floors (content) without any barriers.

Why did the Angular app get an award from the accessibility community? Because it knew how to “a11y-tude” towards inclusion!

14. Security:

  • Address security concerns like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), etc.
  • Demonstrate how Angular’s built-in protections help mitigate common security risks.

Example: Securing your Angular app is like setting up a fortress to protect precious treasures (data) from intruders. You have guards (security measures) stationed at every entrance to ensure unauthorized access is thwarted.

Why did the security-conscious developer become a magician? Because they knew how to make sensitive data “disappear” from the wrong hands!

15. Documentation and Code Quality:

  • Produce well-documented, clean, and maintainable code.
  • Use tools like TSLint and Prettier to enforce code quality standards.

Example: Writing detailed documentation and maintaining code quality is like keeping a well-organized library. Everyone can easily find and understand the books (code) they need, making maintenance and collaboration a breeze!

Why did the developer write a book on code quality? Because they wanted to share the “chapter”-ing secrets to writing clean code!

Below is the general code structure with things to be implemented/ improved.

Angular Application
|---- Project Structure & Modularization
| |
| |---- Feature Modules (Core module, Shared module, etc)
| |---- Lazy Loading (optimize loading time for modularized application)
|---- State Management
| |
| |---- NgRx or Akita (create components with individual states)
|---- Routing & Navigation
| |
| |---- Angular Router (Add scope to application mapped to modules)
| |
| |---- Nested Routes
| |---- Parameterized Routes
|---- Component Architecture
| |
| |---- Reusable Components
| |
| |---- Smart Components (No dependencies)
| |---- Dumb Components (relies on external data)
|---- HTTP Client & API Integration
| |
| |---- Angular HttpClient (Integrate APIs)
|---- Form Handling & Validation
| |
| |---- Reactive Forms (Collect/ Display data to user)
| |
| |---- Custom Form Validation
|---- Authentication & Authorization
| |
| |---- Authentication Mechanism (Right people, right rights!)
| |
| |---- Role-based Access Control
|---- Internationalization & Localization
| |
| |---- ngx-translate, i18n (Appealing for global audiences)
| |
| |---- Translations for Multiple Languages
|---- Testing Strategies
| |
| |---- Jasmine & Karma (Its not unit tested, it not tested)
| |
| |---- Unit Testing
| |---- Integration Testing
|---- Performance Optimization (Fast as lightening)
| |
| |---- Lazy Loading
| |---- AOT Compilation
| |---- Tree Shaking
|---- Error Logging & Monitoring
| |
| |---- Sentry or other Error Tracking Service
|---- Continuous Integration & Deployment (CI/CD)
| |
| |---- Travis CI or GitHub Actions
|---- Accessibility (a11y)
| |
| |---- Implementation of a11y Guidelines
|---- Security
| |
| |---- Handling Security Concerns
|---- Documentation & Code Quality
| |
| |---- Well-documented Code
| |
| |---- TSLint & Prettier

Additionally, keep up to date with the latest Angular updates and best practices to provide the most relevant and accurate information in your blog. Remember, architectural decisions should always be made with a focus on meeting the specific needs of the customers and the project at hand.

