InVideo — Plans and Future

Sanket Shah
4 min readAug 20, 2019


Hello Family,

Firstly, thank you so much for being an integral part of the InVideo journey. It’s been amazing and we are all grateful to you. On that note, we will like to inform you that at InVideo we were able to raise a couple of million dollars from top tier Venture Capitalists to grow InVideo. There is still some time to make this announcement public and so we are unable to give away the details.

How does this money really help? This money will allow us to invest more in building our team further and constantly improving the platform. Which means that the missing features like timeline, multi-brand presets, white-label preview and more will come to you sooner. It also means that we will soon have mobile-apps to give you a cross-device experience. We look at this round of funding as a medium that will allow us to build better and faster. We promise you to improve every bit of your experience. We will have a singular focus, to create the worlds best video creation software and we are married to that purpose.

Change in our strategy — More Users: We have realized that a video creation platform becomes better with the ecosystem of a large number of creators and users. Growth in the number of users will allow us to create a template market place (we want to keep the marketplace largely free or very inexpensive) but still take care of our creators monetarily, pump in more money to create topical templates, build more features and build a community of users to collaborate, inspire and help. More data also helps us to improve the platform faster. In all honesty and candidness, it will help the company to grow via revenue and funding.

In turn, we will definitely give it back to the community and customers. At any given point, our intention will be to only create value for you. All of you are our early adopters and it’s our duty to serve you well.

What we will double down on?: We want to become more customer-centric than what we are and we are taking active steps. We want to improve our customer support further. Build the missing features, create a cross-device experience and improve the overall user experience. We are not getting distracted, we are only going to work harder to create the best video creation software in the world. With the funding, renewed business plan and investor relations we were also able to reduce our costs from our various partners drastically. This allows us to pass on those benefits to you.

What it means for you?: The positives are that you will have a great product with a lot of more features without spending more. A lot of you already know that we changed the LTD plan and the upgrade option and gave away a lot more at the same price. The core reason is that we wish to be fair to our early adopters. This is what the plans looked liked and details about what we changed for you.

This pricing is for LTD users. All other users will also be upgraded as well

Considering we are going after more customers, we are changing our pricing on InVideo for new customers. Please understand, that when we launched — We had no idea that we will get venture funding to grow the product and users. We are blessed and we have the fuel to grow. To acquire a large number of customers, we have to reduce the barrier to entry.

However, we are overall aligned to make sure that our early adopters get more than anyone else and are actively taking those steps. In the future, we will be very open to giving additional benefits to you folks as well. All of you are a huge part of our success here and there is no way that we will not make up for it. At any given point if you think there is something that is unfair, feel free to email me at and I promise to help.

You all are our family, it is because of you that we are here. We will definitely have some intent to make money but no intent to extract money the wrong way. We will keep building and trying our best to add value to your lives.

Thank you. We are privileged to partner with you. If you think you need any help, please reach out to us. We assure you that your experience with us will only improve.

