The School picnic

Every break that takes us away from the monotony builds immensely pleasurable moments.

Sanket Thorat
4 min readAug 2, 2020
Photo by Brandon Hoogenboom on Unsplash

The greatest moments that we cherish about our school are school picnics. These were the moments when we were free to do anything we want and not worry about teachers’ nagging.
Everyone was facing Monday blues when the clerk came in the class with a notice register. We were busy copying down some math calculations blindly because, Hello? Its Math on a Monday. The teacher called for classes attention. She read,
“The school has planned for an excursion to ‘Tiku Jini Wadi’ on 23rd April 2010. The excursion fees are Rs. 750 and interested students are requested to bring the consent letter signed by parents along with the fees by Friday.”

I first wondered, “What the hell is ‘excursion’? Can’t our principal just write ‘Picnic’?”
The thought was immediately taken over by the cheering students, laughter, excitement and a boy getting beaten over by others who seemed to have achieved blissfulness. Everyone was excited but something daunting was waiting for them, they were just unaware of it.
The Monday blues was turned into Monday Madness. The entire school was bustling with chitter-chatter about the picnic. Little did they know something very important was waiting to manifest manifolds.

