Rainbow Map 2024, the thermometer for equality and protection of LGBTQIA+ people in Europe

Andrea Sanna
3 min readMay 16, 2024


The sixteenth edition of the Rainbow Map has been published, ranking European countries based on developments in LGBTQIA+ civil rights

The Rainbow Map is published less than 24 hours after the LGBTQIA+ Survey III report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. A report that made it clear that more than two-thirds of respondents have been victims of hate statements because of their sexual orientation, and there has also been an increase in acts of violence, compared to the last survey in 2019.


Between shadows and lights, several European nations have made several advances in protecting the civil rights of LGBTQIA+ people, such as Germany, Estonia, Liechtenstein and Greece.

According to ILGA-Europe Executive Director Chaber: “The European Union must pay close attention not only to the increase in political hate speech against LGBTQIA+ people, but also to new instruments of oppression, such as Russia’s criminalization of an entire segment of the country’s population. Efforts to divide and distract from established authoritarian regimes are spreading further to other European countries, at a time when elections could push Europe into the hands of leaders who wish to shape a radical and anti-democratic right-wing European Union. Europe needs stronger laws and policies to protect LGBTQIA+ people. Without them, we cannot talk about security, the rule of law and democracy.”


This special ranking uses seventy-five parameters that are divided into seven themes: equality and non-discrimination; family; hate crimes and hate speech; legal recognition of gender; intersex bodily integrity; civil society space; and the right to asylum.

In the first three positions we find Malta, Iceland and Belgium while at the bottom of the ranking we find Turkey, Azerbaijan and Russia.

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