How the React Native Bridge Works?

Sannan Malik
4 min readSep 7, 2022

In a React Native application, you create one main thread, which starts execution of your Javascript code. The other thread acts as the native thread, which listens to UI events and passes them along to the JS thread. The JS thread in turn passes this information along to a shadow node thread, which is a mathematical engine that computes view positions and layouts. Once it has decided, it passes instructions to the main thread.

Components of React Native
React Native is a library that consists of reusable components. This means that you can add more functionality to your app by combining these components. Components are organized by role and are categorized according to how they are used in your app. For example, a button component will be used in many different applications. To create a component, you should make it abstract and compatible with a variety of requirements. It should also be named and recognizable so that it can be reused for different projects.

When designing your app, you should make sure that it is compatible with different platforms. This way, you can create a mobile application that works on multiple devices. For example, in Android L, you can use OpenGL to draw the UI.

Benefits of React Native
React Native is a powerful new mobile development framework. Initially released by Facebook…



Sannan Malik

Writer at different Platforms, Thought expresser at Medium!