Netiquette: Do’s and Don’ts of posting in online discussion forums

Afsana Jubaida
3 min readSep 12, 2017


Image Source: The Odyssey Online

In the real world our behaviours are determined by social etiquettes and norms. When posting online, we should translate that same level of courtesy or “netiquette” online. Each online platform has its own set of customary practises that are adhered to by its members, but there are some common practises that should be followed by all. Below I have outlined some common faux pas found in the web, why it’s inappropriate and how to correct these behaviours to make the most out of online social interactions.

DON’T: Insult, abuse, or threaten people.

Image Source: GIPHY

This should be common sense but you know what they say… “common sense isn’t so common”. Your posts are public and that means all your friends, coworkers, peers, and potential bosses will have access to that information. Carry yourself online in a way that you would like to be perceived.

DO: Respectfully disagree or in the case of irreconcilable differences- agree to disagree!

DON’T: Spam.

Image Source: GIPHY

Many people take to message and comments section to advertise their website and services. I’m sure everyone has seen the Soundcloud rappers shamelessly promoting themselves under all your favourite youtube videos or sending you DMs. It may seem harmless to the person doing it, but it can be a major nuisance to others who are trying to have a meaningful discussion.

DO: Use alternative forms of social media such as twitter or Instagram to bring awareness to your cause or advertise your business.

DON’T: Go off topic.

Image Source: GIPHY

It is natural to have an engaging conversation that transitions to different topics but refrain from posting about random topics. There is no need to post conspiracy theories under every 9/11 post. The online world is a very big place and I’m sure there is an appropriate place somewhere to discuss that.

DO: Start a new thread or discussion pertaining to that topic.

DON’T: be lazy.

Image Source: GIPHY

You should never use another person’s work without giving proper credit. It can infringe on copyright laws leading to legal action and you can be blocked from certain websites. On that note, you should try to avoid asking questions that can be easily found by doing a quick Google search or found in the FAQs. Don’t expect others to do all the work for you.

DO: research your topic well and attempt to answer the question yourself. Show your train of thought and what you find difficult to understand. Always remember give proper credit when using someone else’s work.

Netiquette is more essential than ever as online interactions increasingly make up larger portions of our communication. It can be difficult to master at first but as with anything practise makes perfect. As a general rule, if you can’t say it in real life then you shouldn’t be writing it online.

For further information, I suggest reading Netiquette by Virginia Shea. Excerpts of the book can be found here.

Information for this blog was provided by BBC.



Afsana Jubaida

Blog for Digital Skills and Innovation for the Global Economy (EID100) at Ryerson University