S24' Week 15: 7 Days of HCI
Stories of a graduate student in Human-Computer Interaction
Apr 15 — Apr 19, 2024
What did I learn this week? As much as you try to do everything, you are likely to miss something. I’ve taken 3 courses this semester: Interaction Design Methods; Meaning & Form; HCI/d Studio Practice.
HCI/d Studio Practice
Monday, 15 Apr — The big day!
The week started with our final presentation for the project. 15 weeks wrapped into 15 minutes of slides, questions and critique. And guess what? I froze during my part of the presentation! It was an exhilarating experience. To have everything in your mind and yet freeze when it’s time your voice your thoughts.
But I am happy with our team’s presentation, its dynamic throughout the semester, the intricate thoughts we’ve put in, and woven it into a seamless experience. Moving forward, I am quite excited to compile it in a case study for my portfolio where I can talk about Instructional Design, Content Design & Strategy and my learnings from Universal Design for Learning.
By 20th Apr — Saturday, it was time for documentation. I never imagined a 40-page document would bring me so much joy.
Interaction Design Methods
Tuesday, 15 Apr — The next big day! :)
Our team presented the Cross-Cultural Adaptations of Cinderella with our class. As much as we hustled through the night before to complete the presentation, it went equally successfully during the 7 minutes. I was quite nervous of freezing again, haha, but turns out I didn’t stop. I am learning that I need to practice my presentation and speaking skills. We will soon compile documentation for the project.
Meaning & Form
We conducted secondary research for the project, and we are now gearing up for the presentation on misinformation and social media next week.
19th Apr — Friday
The class visited Salesforce tower for a networking event with recruiters, UX Researchers, Designers and Tech writers. It was a learning opportunity for me as I learnt more about the company and its dynamics.
Overall, the week was indeed a roller-coaster. I thoroughly enjoyed my time through it all!
On Tuesday, to celebrate the end of semester, I bought a cycle as a reward! It was the happiest day of my life since August 7th, 2023 (the day I arrived in the US for masters).