Why Man Should Always Pay In A Relationship: A PSA for Women

It’s not even about the money.

Becky Santana
3 min readAug 26, 2020

First and foremost, I want to say that everyone has their own beliefs and expectations of how they want to be financially treated in a relationship. That being said, you should get with someone who holds the same beliefs or compliments them so that the relationship works. There isn’t a wrong or right way of doing things but I’m here to tell you there’s a proper way of doing things.

Before we start, you should know that I am a heterosexual, I am not a feminist, I don’t take birth control, and if I were to get pregnant (no matter the circumstance) I would have that baby.

Let’s move on to the point.

Most everyone wants to have sex. Sex is good. It makes the world go round. You should have it as much as you can. However women should be more careful. Why?

Because women run the risk of becoming pregnant! A man can just impregnate a women and ghost them if they wanted to. Just get up and leave, never to be heard of or seen again!

Now ladies, don’t fall for this man. Women need to take precautionary measures. Man must be judged every inch and every step of the way. Therefore, women need to become good judges.

Obviously that’s easier said then done. We don’t always catch all the social queues or read body language accurately. Personally, I’ve fell for every lie in the book. Falling for their soliloquies of bullshit. Giving men the benefit of the doubt every single time, lying to ourselves that this one is different. I’m sure some of you hopeless romantics out there know exactly what I’m talking about.

Don’t worry, your in the right place and your monthly subscription of $5 will be worth in this read. There is a method to weed out the future deadbeat dads. Although it’s not bulletproof…

Boy meets girl. Boy asks girl on a dinner date.

There are two assumptions that need to be made. First, it should be assumed that boy has already decided he wants to have sex with girl or is seriously considering it. Second, by girl agreeing to go out with him she is going to go check it out and see if boy is worth her time. Perhaps he could be a potential sexual partner.

Now, your at the dinner table and the check comes in. It’s been a wonderful date thus far but somehow girl ends up paying. Whether she offered to pay or they both agreed to pay for their meals. It doesn't really matter. What matters are the actions. Women need to think more in terms of raising children and picking the right man to help them.

Trust me, the world would be a better place if us women gave a little bit more thought in who we chose to lay with and the potential consequences associated with it.

Again, we can’t trust men with their words and we must judge them based on their actions. If a man cannot show you he’s willing to take the risk with you and for you, then your you are with boy and not a man.

Ladies, what makes you think that if a man cannot pay for the food on your plate that he’s going to pay for the diapers for your baby?

Don’t get me wrong. This isn’t even about money. It’s about men being there and supporting you and your future children.

Men are providers. Let men provide. Let them show you, that they're about you before you take such big risks.

But like I said, this method of caution is not bulletproof. Just because a man doesn't pay up, doesn't mean they won’t rise to the occasion when they need to. Just because a man consistently wines and dines you, doesn't mean they won’t leave you when they find out you’re pregnant.

But it does two things. It makes you comfortable and it creates an illusion of security. That’s better than nothing.

Do yourself a favor and let men pay.

Or at least, do it for your future children.



Becky Santana

Entrepreneur. Here to see if I can turn all the conversations I have with myself into money. Or at least the stuff I write about in my diary❤