The Best Cigar in the World Today

Carlo Sotelo
6 min readOct 20, 2018


There are several brands that are the best according to the Cigar Aficionado Magazine and various experts in the subject. But no Cigar Aficionado is willing to name a Cigar as the Best in the World, and there really isn’t a definite answer to this question, as the answer is quite subjective and depends on what your palate enjoys. Simply put the best cigar in the world is one that you enjoy, and that is right for every occasion.

However, there are lots of cigar brands available on the market, and you may find it difficult to choose the one that would be your best in the world — especially if you are just starting out. So all you can do is try out several suggestions and see what you like. Having said that, what I am going to dispense here is what in my opinion is the best cigar in the world

I think it is one of the best-hidden secrets in the Cigar industry; that is (unbelievably) a Mexican Puro. I am referring to a Stogie called San Teodoro Cigar. And yes, I have tried everything Mexico has to offer in the Cigar industry, and although Mexico is not well recognized for Premium cigars things are changing there, and fast.

Long gone are the days of the terrible Te Amo Cigars and other brands that are earthy, dry and plain. Mexican factories are recognizing the premium market and the three main cigar producers (Including the Lavin Cigar Factory) are changing things in the industry.

Quality controls, cross-breeding of tobacco, greenhouses and other technologies are allowing these cigar producers to change the market in a way we haven’t seen before since the exodus lived by the Cuban producer when the revolution began. The San Teodoro brand has been around since 1998 and has been changing how producers monitor quality around in Mexico and also in other parts of the world where the aging of cigars is now a thing.

Originally called “Gran Mexico,” and graded as an extraordinary Cigar — a view shared by everyone that smokes it, this Amazing piece of craftsmanship has no parallel in Cuba or Nicaragua or the Dominican Republic. They age the tobacco before the cigar is rolled and after rolling, they age it again for five years in Spanish Cedar Cabinets and an additional year of aging in Roasted Coffee Grains from the Oaxaca State in Mexico (the same state that produces Mezcal in Mexico).

I initially started consuming San Teodoro when I read a Reddit post about it and found online a quote stating “if you haven’t tried a San Teodoro cigar, you most likely know very little about your cigars.” I was skeptical, to be honest, but when I tried my first “Puro San Teodoro” I was blown away.

This Cigar has an overall richness, which includes a smooth aromatic smoke with notes of Cedar and Coffee, and some alcoholic notes that is amazingly mild but strong. It also has an oily texture that comes from its irregular oily San Andres Wrapper, giving this amazing piece of Mexican craftsmanship its unique cigar taste. This is by far the Best Mexican Cigar and its likely one of the bests in the world.

I like to enjoy a pleasant smoking experience with it while relaxing by my rocker chair watching the moon or hanging out with friends. This cigar pairs well with a glass of bourbon or cup of coffee, or simply at a business lunch or dinner meetings with partners after dining al fresco.

Smoking this Cigar is a complete ritual, and the steps and rewards are incomparable to none. For instance, they still use Crystal tubes as their means of preserving humidity, while all other brands now in the market use only clear PVC tubes that destroy the cigar aromas and are porous. As Crystal is both expensive and hazardous during shipping most manufacturers have dumped it as a means for preservation and shipping.

Dominican Cigars and some other aged brands come also in Aluminum tubes that do not seal as well as Crystal. 4 out of 10 cigars that I have bought over the past year that came packaged in Aluminum tubes were plain and simply dry. And, even when handled properly, they are not as moist as a San Teodoro and I have not seen any other Cigar using Crystal Tubing anywhere in the World. Crystal is, in my opinion, is the only way of keeping humidity in the long term, and it is perhaps an expensive choice but as seen with this Cigar, it’s definitely worth it.

The flavor of this Cigar evolves incredibly, I would say it has an irresistible yet delicate aroma, which I think is as a result of its amazing process of maturation and aging. When you open the crystal tube, it is clear by the humidity of the Cigar that things were very well taken care of. When opened, the unique aged Cigar aromas immediately fills the room. And when finally, the time arrives to light up a San Teodoro cigar, you can actually taste its flavor even before smoking it. From the tasty and oily San Andres Dark Capa, (the best wrapper for aged cigars) to the carefully aged and aromatic oily interior that can be felt by gently squeezing the cigar, you will be mesmerized.

The rich flavor you will enjoy is a mixture of caramel, wood, and coffee, which you simply cannot get from any other cigar in the world. The reason for this rich burst of taste and flavor is attributed to its fine aging procedure. San Teodoro Cigar is aged in Spanish cedar cabinets, near virgin vanilla vines, Oaxacan coffee grains, and other spices for at least the five years. Then, in the 5th year, it is aged again by directly burying it in Oaxacan roasted coffee grains, which is switched on the 6th month, giving the cigar its characteristic and exquisite flavor and taste, which is like no other cigar you have or will ever smoke.

Also, while in the crystal tubes, the cigars are also wrapped in fine cedar wood, so that the aging process can continue while stored in the case.

In my opinion, San Teodoro Cigar is going to revolutionize the industry of aged products. Cohiba has followed with several other Ligaduras (i.e. behike) but although very creamy, it is not near this one. There is no other cigar manufacturer doing what they are doing and this reflects on the flavor and the company identity. You will not only enjoy the best cigar in the world but I promise that you will be embarking on a venture of new flavors that you haven’t tried in aged cigars yet.

Because of this cigar deliberate scarcity, it has become a status cigar in Mexico. It was always like that as it was only available to a select few from high government spheres. It is no different today, as the factory only produces 100 boxes a year, most of which are exported. Also, old vintage boxes cost thousands of dollars now, and it is extremely difficult to find unless you reach out to the factory directly.

The factory that produces this cigar is in Mexico in the San Andres Tuxtla Veracruz Region on the Veracruz State. The cigar is aged and produced with careful control of the humidity making it very creamy and similar to its Cuban counterparts. Craftsmanship also seems to be part of their success as its process is done carefully and without the rush of big factories. The factory is owned by Mr. Teodoro Lavin Sodi, who is a cigar specialist known by many as an authority on the field and is as well one of the most controversial economists in Mexico.

I have tried everything there is to try. I have traveled to Habana, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Nicaragua and I have smoked and tried everything that Cigar Aficionado rates in the high 80s. Nothing, believe me, comes close to the San Teodoro Cigar. It was surprising that a Mexican product was so well made, so delicious and so amazingly flavorful.

If you would like to give it a shot, you can get a pack of quality San Teodoro Cigar here.

Please note that I am not making any commission nor do I work with them in any way. Just try it and report back your experience with this Cigar.

