Why you should learn react?

Santiago Alaniz
2 min readDec 8, 2022

Learning ReactJS can improve your career by increasing your knowledge and skills in front-end development. As a popular and widely used JavaScript library for building user interfaces, ReactJS is in high demand by companies looking for experienced developers. Having experience with ReactJS can make you a valuable asset to potential employers and increase your job opportunities. Additionally, learning ReactJS can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in front-end development, which can help you adapt to changing technology and market needs. This can increase your marketability and potential for career growth.

Here I’ll give to you 5 of the main reasons about why you should learn ReactJS

  1. React is a popular and widely-used JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  2. Learning React can improve your skills as a front-end web developer, making you more marketable in the job market.
  3. React allows you to create reusable components, which can help make your code more modular and easier to maintain.
  4. React uses a virtual DOM, which can improve the performance of your web applications by reducing the amount of DOM manipulation required.
  5. The React community is large and active, so you can find a wealth of learning resources, libraries, and frameworks that can help you build powerful and engaging user interfaces.



Santiago Alaniz

👋 Hi There, I’m Santiago Junior Developer ! 👨‍🔬 React.Js ⚛️ http://react-portfolio-sankku.vercel.app Contact: 📧santiagoemprendedor9@gmail.com