Unlocking PYUSD’s Smart Contract Secrets: Balancing Compliance and Innovation [With code snippets]

Santiago Trujillo Zuluaga
4 min readAug 9, 2023



In the realm of smart contracts, the PYUSDI implementation contract stands out with its versatile features. It handles an ERC20 token that can be paused, minted, and burned. It’s controlled by a central SupplyController. The contract also includes ways to protect assets, control supply, and delegate transfers. This article provides a straightforward breakdown of what the contract does and points out potential risks.

Photo by Muhammad Asyfaul on Unsplash

Smart Contract Odyssey: Navigating Solidity Versions, Proxies, and Account Control

1. “Outdated” Solidity Version (0.4.24)

pragma solidity 0.4.24;

When considering the Solidity version for the PYUSD stablecoin implementation, the choice between Solidity 0.4.24 and 0.8.x revolves around a trade-off between established reliability and cutting-edge capabilities. Opting for Solidity 0.4.24 provides a stable and proven foundation, ensuring compatibility with existing systems and libraries. Conversely, adopting Solidity 0.8.x offers a host of advanced features, heightened security protocols, and performance optimizations. While the former guarantees a well-tested environment, the latter empowers developers with innovations like checked arithmetic, improved error handling, and more sophisticated compiler tools.

It’s important to recognize that this choice doesn’t necessarily pose a potential risk. Instead, it represents a robust measure akin to the prudent approach adopted by established organizations like PayPal. The decision hinges on the project’s specific requirements and priorities, balancing the reliability of a tried-and-true version with the advanced capabilities offered by the latest iteration.

2. Proxy Pattern and Upgradeability:

As we dive into the PYUSD smart contract, we come across two important contracts: the “implementation contract” (that’s where the logic/rules are) and the “proxy contract” (that holds all the layout/storage of the contract). This setup, showcased by the UpgradeabilityProxy and AdminUpgradeabilityProxy contracts, brings clear benefits and things to think about:

* @title AdminUpgradeabilityProxy
* @dev This contract combines an upgradeability proxy with an authorization
* mechanism for administrative tasks.
* All external functions in this contract must be guarded by the
* `ifAdmin` modifier.
contract AdminUpgradeabilityProxy is UpgradeabilityProxy {
bytes32 private constant ADMIN_SLOT = 0x10d6a54a4754c8869d6886b5f5d7fbfa5b4522237ea5c60d11bc4e7a1ff9390b;

modifier ifAdmin() {
if (msg.sender == _admin()) {
} else {

constructor(address _implementation) UpgradeabilityProxy(_implementation) public {
assert(ADMIN_SLOT == keccak256("org.zeppelinos.proxy.admin"));

// Functions to manage admin and implementation
function _admin() internal view returns (address adm) { ... }
function _setAdmin(address newAdmin) internal { ... }
function upgradeTo(address newImplementation) external ifAdmin { ... }


a. Upgradeability: Proxies enable you to modify the contract’s logic without changing its address. This allows for seamless upgrades, enhancing the contract’s capabilities without interrupting its usage.

b. Administrative Control: The AdminUpgradeabilityProxy introduces an authorization mechanism via the ifAdmin modifier. This feature empowers specific addresses to manage upgrades and administrative actions.


a. Complexity: Proxies introduce an additional layer of complexity to the contract’s architecture. While enabling upgrades, this complexity can make the contract harder to understand, debug, and secure.

b. Auditing and Testing: The use of proxies necessitates thorough auditing and comprehensive testing. Ensuring the proper implementation of upgrade mechanisms and guarding against potential vulnerabilities is crucial.

c. Dependency on Libraries: Proxies may rely on external libraries or tools. Ensuring compatibility and support for these dependencies is important for maintaining a stable and secure contract.

d. Risk Mitigation: While proxies themselves can add a level of security, improper management or vulnerabilities in the proxy implementation could lead to unknown risks.

e. Whitelisting and Centralization: The contract has beta delegate whitelisting. Some addresses get special transfer powers. This could lead to centralization if not managed well.

3. Whitelisting and Freezing accounts

Frozen accounts can’t execute transfers, here it’s the compliant and centralized part of the token.

There is a main AssetProtectionRole (that is currently the owner as well) that has literally control over the whole token (it can freeze and whitelist accounts)

AssetProtectionRole: 0x0644Bd0248d5F89e4F6E845a91D15c23591e5D33

* @dev Freezes an address balance from being transferred.
* @param _addr The new address to freeze.
function freeze(address _addr) public onlyAssetProtectionRole {w
require(!frozen[_addr], "address already frozen");
frozen[_addr] = true;
emit AddressFrozen(_addr);
require(!frozen[_to] && !frozen[msg.sender], "address frozen");

This require() check is implemented in most of the functions, freezing specific accounts to do any type of interaction with PYUSD.

* @dev Transfer token to a specified address from msg.sender
* Note: the use of Safemath ensures that _value is nonnegative.
* @param _to The address to transfer to.
* @param _value The amount to be transferred.
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public whenNotPaused returns (bool) {
require(_to != address(0), "cannot transfer to address zero");
require(!frozen[_to] && !frozen[msg.sender], "address frozen"); //COMPLIANT + DANGER HERE
require(_value <= balances[msg.sender], "insufficient funds");

balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_value);
balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value);
emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
return true;

The incorporation of whitelisting and freezing capabilities within the smart contract introduces a dual-edged potential impact. On one hand, these features can significantly bolster security and risk management by allowing the contract owner to restrict or control specific addresses’ actions. Whitelisting can enable the authorization of trusted entities, enhancing the contract’s usability for designated purposes. Freezing, on the other hand, empowers the contract owner to safeguard against unauthorized or suspicious activities, acting as a protective measure against potential threats.

However, it is essential to recognize that these capabilities could also raise concerns related to centralization and potential misuse of power. Striking a balance between enhancing security and ensuring decentralization remains pivotal. Thorough assessment, transparency, and proper governance mechanisms are vital to leveraging these functionalities effectively and responsibly within the contract ecosystem.


In summary, the PYUSD Smart Contract Implementation brings practical insights. The choice of Solidity version balances reliability with advanced features. The Proxy Pattern enables smooth upgrades and control, but demands thorough testing. Whitelisting and freezing boost security, yet centralization risks need attention. PYUSD’s example teaches us to balance innovation and compliance responsibly. As we evolve, let’s stay practical, transparent, and focused on efficient decentralized finance solutions.

