Normalization and Denormalization in Database

Santosh Beora
2 min readNov 30, 2023


image credit: AlgoDaily


In the vast world of databases, two principles stand tall, each offering a unique perspective on how to structure data: normalization and denormalization.

In this exploration, we’ll unravel these concepts in plain language, understanding their impact, advantages, disadvantages, and where they find their application.

Normalization: Structuring for Integrity

Normalization is akin to organizing a chaotic library. It’s the process of structuring a database to eliminate data redundancy and ensure data integrity.

To prevent data anomalies by breaking large tables into smaller, related tables.

Imagine a table holding both customer information and orders. Normalization divides this table into two: one for customers and another for orders, connected by a shared key like CustomerID.

1. Data Integrity: Minimizes inconsistencies.
2. Flexibility: Allows for easier modification.
3. Optimized Storage: Efficient use of space.

1. Increased Joins: Queries may involve more joins, impacting performance.
2. Complexity: Requires a solid understanding of relationships.

Use Cases:
Perfect for transactional systems where data integrity is paramount, such as banking or order processing systems.

Denormalization: Enhancing Query Performance

Denormalization is like creating a quick-access version of your library for certain books. It’s the intentional introduction of redundancy to improve query performance.

To boost query speed by reducing the need for joins and simplifying data retrieval.

In a normalized setup, customer and order information might reside in separate tables. Denormalization might duplicate some customer info in the orders table to speed up queries involving both.

1. Query Performance: Accelerates data retrieval.
2. Simplified Queries: Easier to write and comprehend.

1. Data Redundancy: Increases the risk of inconsistencies.
2. Update Anomalies: Updates need careful handling to avoid issues.

Use Cases:
Ideal for read-heavy databases or reporting systems where query speed is a top priority.

Conclusion: Striking the Right Balance

The choice between normalization and denormalization is akin to finding the right rhythm in a dance. It depends on the unique requirements of your application. Are you a transactional system, demanding impeccable data integrity? Embrace normalization. Or are you a read-heavy platform, craving speedy queries? Welcome denormalization.


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Santosh Beora

A GCP Data Engineer sharing cutting-edge data insights.For the latest in data engineering! Follow me on LinkedIn :