Recording Screen in Ubuntu 16.04/18/20(recordmydesktop)

Shunt Os
Nov 17, 2022


Easiest tool for recoring screen in Linux(Ubuntu) is recordmydesktop tool. It’s easy for installation and usage.


$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install recordmydesktop

Recording Screen:

$ recordmydesktop --on-the-fly-encoding

--on-the-fly-encoding encodes the output immediately; without it you need to wait for a possibly long time at the end for the encoding to be done. I haven't seen any significant downsides to that option yet, likely it will just take a bit more of CPU resources, but it is generally worth it.

This will record until you stop the program on the terminal e.g. with Ctrl + C.


You can use arguments like key to stop recording like:

$ recordmydesktop --stop-shortcut=Control+s

Using Audio jack

$ recordmydesktop --use-jack system:capture_1

