9 Scripts that will save your time in the mundane Social media efforts [For non-programmer ]

Santu Dey
5 min readAug 27, 2017


Around 95% of social media marketer don’t use any scripting or APIs to automate their marketing effort, but a lot can be possible. Firstly, You can save a huge amount of time, secondly you minimise the use of paid tools and last but on the least you can increase your reach to significant level. If you are using chrome you can grab the codes below and use it however you want. So, bookmark this article because I am going to add a few more scripts.

Facebook Scripts

1. Invite all who have liked your post

Step 1: Go to your Facebook page then press Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows / Linux) or Cmd + Opt + J (Mac). It will give you access to the console of the chrome browser. (It will look like below image)

Step 2: Click on the link to see who liked your page (Screenshot attached below)

Step 3: If your screenshot looks like the one below. Do the last step

Step 4: Copy the below code and paste it in console.

var buttons; buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('_42ft');for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { if(buttons[i].getAttribute('ajaxify') != null){ if(buttons[i].getAttribute('ajaxify').indexOf('invite') != -1){ buttons[i].click(); } }}

Thats all. As the most of people like your Facebook page content, there is a high probability people will like your page.

2. Invite all your Facebook friends to like the page

Step 1: From your page menu click on Invite Friends button. (Screenshoot Below)

Step 2: A new popup will be displayed like screenshoot below. Now open the Chrome console press Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows / Linux) or Cmd + Opt + J (Mac)

Step 3: Copy the below code and paste it in chrome Console.

var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('_1sm');
for(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++){ inputs[i].click(); }

3. Invite all your friends to an event on Facebook

Open your Facebook event page
Step 1: Click on Share Button of your Facebook event page >> Invite friends

Step 2 : A new popup will be displayed like below screenshoot. Now open the Chrome console press Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows / Linux) or Cmd + Opt + J (Mac)

Step 3: Copy the code below and paste it in chrome Console.

var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('_1pt_');for(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++){ inputs[i].click(); }

Step 4: Press enter, then Click on Send Invitation button.

4. Like every comment on Facebook

Go to your Facebook page

Step 1: Open the Chrome console press Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows / Linux) or Cmd + Opt + J (Mac). Copy and paste the below code to console then press enter.

var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('UFILikeLink');for(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++){ inputs[i].click(); }

Linkedin Scripts

5. Send multiple LinkedIn connection request in one Click

Go to https://www.linkedin.com/mynetwork/

Open the Chrome console press Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows / Linux) or Cmd + Opt + J (Mac). Copy and paste the below code to console then press enter.

a = setInterval(function(){window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight);$('.button-secondary-small').click();},1000);

6. LinkedIn connection request — Search and connect

Go to https://www.linkedin.com/search/results/index/?keywords=&origin=GLOBAL_SEARCH_HEADER

Search whoever you want to connect with

Open the Chrome console press Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows / Linux) or Cmd + Opt + J (Mac). Copy and paste the code below to console then press enter. (Wait & watch, do not do anything until it’s done)


Twitter Scripts

7. Twitter follow all the users — after search

Search any keyword on twitter go to People then Open the Chrome console press Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows / Linux) or Cmd + Opt + J (Mac). Copy and paste the code below to console then press enter.

a = setInterval(function () {
$('.not-following .user-actions-follow-button.js-follow-btn').click();
}, 1000);

You can use this code for multiple purpose like follower scrapping of other accounts as well. To do this, you only need to visit the page and click on followers, and rest of the process will remain the same.

8. Set all tweets of a particular as favourite

Search a hash tag and go to Latest tab, then Open the Chrome console, press Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows / Linux) or Cmd + Opt + J (Mac). Copy and paste the below code to console then press enter.

var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('js-actionFavorite');for(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++){ inputs[i].click(); }

Medium.com Script

9. Medium Follow all the people of other users

Go to someone’s profile page, Click on the followers tab, Open the Chrome console, press Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows / Linux) or Cmd + Opt + J (Mac). Copy and paste the below code to console then press enter.

var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('button--follow');for(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++){ inputs[i].click(); }

If you have any other idea of scripting, Kindly comment below and I will do my best to add it here, or ping me on Facebook messenger

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Santu Dey

Growth Hacker at Curofy, Ex Click-Labs & Jugnoo. I am a marketer and Full Stack Developer all in one.I hack at night and market during the day.