10 ChatGPT Hacks You Need to Try Out In 2024

Sanu Oluwaseun
3 min readJan 11, 2024


ChatGPT has become an incredibly popular AI chatbot since its release in November 2022. As someone who has been using it nearly every day since, I've discovered some handy tips and tricks that can help you get even more value out of this amazing AI.

Here are 10 ChatGPT hacks that you need to try out:

1. Use conversational prompts

While you can simply ask ChatGPT questions, you'll get better responses if you frame your prompts conversationally. Chatbots are designed to have natural conversations, so write your prompts as you would speak them. For example, "Hi ChatGPT! I'm looking to plan a fun date night for me and my partner. Can you suggest some unique date ideas that would be good for a young couple in their 20s?"

2. Provide examples and context

Give ChatGPT examples of what you want or contextual information to get better quality responses. If I simply asked for date night ideas, ChatGPT may suggest generic options. By providing our ages and asking for unique ideas, it can tailor its recommendations.

3. Upvote the best responses

ChatGPT allows you to upvote the responses you find most helpful. Doing this trains the AI to provide more responses like the ones you upvoted. I always upvote the best answers so ChatGPT keeps improving.

4. Edit incorrect information

If ChatGPT gives a response that contains factually incorrect information, you can edit that part of its response to fix it. The AI will learn from that correction. I've been able to significantly reduce the number of mistakes it makes by consistently editing wrong information.

5. Ask follow-up questions

Having a back-and-forth conversation helps ChatGPT better understand what you're looking for. I'll often ask several follow-up questions to dig deeper or clarify a response. The more details you provide, the better it can craft tailored suggestions for you.

6. Restart when you’re unsatisfied

If ChatGPT is completely missing the mark on a prompt, you can always restart the conversation. Just say something like "Let's start over, I'm looking for [details]." I find I get the best results when I rephrase a prompt rather than letting the conversation continue down an unproductive path.

7. Summarize long text

Ask ChatGPT to summarize any lengthy text and it will condense it down to key points. I've used this to get quick summaries of long articles I don't have time to read but want the main ideas from. The summaries it generates are very accurate to the full content.

8. Explain concepts simply

ChatGPT is great at breaking down complex topics into easy-to-understand explanations. Whenever I'm trying to learn something new, I ask it to explain the concept to me as simply as possible. It has helped me quickly grasp concepts I was struggling with.

9. Generate content

One of my favorite ChatGPT uses is asking it to generate unique content like articles, stories, and social media posts. While it cannot replace human creativity, it's a great tool for quickly drafting quality content or generating ideas. Just provide it with a topic and keywords.

10. Troubleshoot problems

If you are stuck trying to troubleshoot a tech issue or solve a math problem, ChatGPT can provide step-by-step guidance to help you through it. Whether it’s debugging code or walking through a complex algebra equation, its clear instructions have helped me solve many problems.

Those are 10 great hacks that have helped me get the most out of ChatGPT lately. Whether you want a research assistant, content creator, tutor, or helpful second opinion - this AI can likely help. Don't be afraid to experiment with prompts and conversational styles until you get the hang of it. With some thoughtful prompting and consistent feedback, you can have amazing conversations with this groundbreaking AI.



Sanu Oluwaseun

I am a writer, reader and fitness enthusiast. I have a penchant for technology and tech-related matters, relationship and marriage