Elon Musk Calls for Caution in AI Development to Avoid "Summoning the Demon”

Sanu Oluwaseun
3 min readJan 3, 2024


Elon Musk has emerged as one of the most prominent voices shaping the development of artificial intelligence technologies. As a successful entrepreneur behind companies like Tesla and SpaceX, Musk has frequently spoken about the promise and perils of AI. With advanced AI continuing to progress in 2024, Musk’s views remain highly influential.

Musk has long seen AI as foundational to his companies and society more broadly. Since co-founding the AI startup DeepMind in 2010, he has invested in and partnered with leading AI researchers. This includes OpenAI, an AI research organization he co-founded in 2015. These efforts reflect Musk’s belief that mastering AI, particularly of the general intelligence variety, is imperative for humanity.

At the same time, Musk has repeatedly expressed concerns about AI risks. Chief among these are existential risks from superintelligent AI that escapes human control. Musk has declared AI is "summoning the demon" and that advanced AI could threaten humanity itself if not developed safely and ethically. This makes him a prominent AI safety advocate.

In 2024, Musk continues to sound warnings about AI, especially the dangers of giving machines the freedom to cause harm. He argues that without proper oversight, AI systems will take actions based on their objective functions alone. He believes it is difficult to specify objectives that fully align with human values and priorities.

Musk is also apprehensive about the excessive concentration of power from AI development in a small number of corporations. He cautions that tech firms may prioritize profits and expediency over human welfare in AI deployment. Musk advocates for stronger regulation to balance commercial interests with the public good.

At the same time, Musk remains bullish on AI’s potentials. He sees advanced AI as instrumental to solving major global issues like climate change and disease. But he emphasizes that maximizing its benefits requires open collaboration between researchers and aligned incentives between governments, companies and civil society.

While sometimes controversial, Musk's perspectives highlight crucial debates about managing the risks from increasingly capable AI systems. As a successful innovator with reach and influence, Musk's views help shape discussion about oversight, ethics and governance for emerging technologies. While not always right, Musk and his warnings push the AI community to confront difficult questions about the future impacts of AI.

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Sanu Oluwaseun

I am a writer, reader and fitness enthusiast. I have a penchant for technology and tech-related matters, relationship and marriage