How can I quickly get a job in California?

Saanvi Sharma
4 min readJun 30, 2020


Searching for a new job could be stressful and more exhausting, especially when you need it the most. But having a proper plan and patience can not only make the process less stressful but can also lend you your dream job.

You might have a lot of companies in mind that you wish to work for, and sometimes you have no idea where to work. The job searching process, at times, gets more tiring and longer. You are so having a better plan can ease the most important task of your career if that is searching for a job.

The most important thing to do before you start searching for a job is to have all the required qualifications and check if you fit the eligibility criteria they ask for. Your job process is likely to get more difficult if you do not know what all you need to work in the country you are applying for.

If you are an international student, you will require either an OPT visa or H1B visa to work in California. As the US government has some strict rules of employment, it is imperative to know what visa you will need to work there. Also, how many qualifications you will need to get hired faster. Many companies want a master’s degree and not just a bachelor’s degree. For example, if you are searching a software developer jobs in california, what are the eligibility criteria or skills a hiring company needs in a candidate. This will help you know if you are applying to get a job or not.

If you want to know the easiest way to get you a job, this article mentions all the steps you need to know, to save yourself from the long and tiring job hunting process. So let’s begin.

Market Yourself:

Let people know that you are searching for a job. Job hunt becomes easy when people suggest your name when they come in contact with any person who’s hiring candidates. So make sure you market yourself well. Tell your friends and family that you are looking for a job and are open to new opportunities whenever you can. There are chances a friend of a friend has an opening that fits your role, and you might quickly get a job.

Start your research:

Research your career opportunities once again after you have a new degree. There are always new positions coming up in a market, so you must research thoroughly. You can search which are the different software developer jobs in California or what another role you can apply for with a software developer degree. Research always makes the job hunt easier. So know what kind of work you are open to, whether you want to work as a software developer or database administrator or web-developer or any other such roles.

Job Portals and social media:

The need for better employment opportunities has increased the demand of Job portals. Job Portals have tie-ups with various companies that take the help of job portals to get a perfect candidate. So seeking the advice of job portals always makes job hunt easier.

They recruit you according to your city preference. To connect to various job portals that are recruiting multiple candidates in California. Apart from that, update your LinkedIn account according to your current job preferences. This will surely attract the attention of the recruiters, and you might get an interview. The more vocal you are about you jib hunt, you easily attract job opportunities.

Create a perfect resume:

Your resume is the first thing that will present your approach in front of the recruiter to get yourself an interview. So it is essential to create a perfect resume describing all the essential details you want your recruiter to know to get a job quickly. You can also use a pre-formatted resume template is you are running short on time. Include all your relevant personal, educational, and professional experiences correctly. Make sure you have not lied about anything in your resume, or you may get yourself into trouble as well as lose the opportunity you have got. So always mention the correct information in your resume and keep it ready before you start applying for jobs to avoid errors and delay when you connect with the recruiter.

Add a cover letter:

Yes, cover letters might come to you as old fashioned, but they still add a lot to your resume. Recruiters often have numerous applications, and so a good cover letter can make your resume stand out from all of them. This will attract attention to your resume, and you might get an interview with the company.

Prepare for your interview:

Your applications might get you an interview, but your interview is the only way to get yourself a job. No matter how much you have worked hard to score good grades, research about your Job, and create a perfect resume, but if you do not perform well in your interview, all the efforts might not even count, and you can lose your opportunity. So research about your company, keep your works samples if you have any ready, polish your knowledge and skills before you sit for an interview. But most importantly, do not get nervous and never be late for your interview. Make sure to dress professionally because always a first impression is the last impression.

The points, as mentioned above, will help you get Job quickly. Make sure to work well once you are hired. Following these steps consistently and learning from your experiences will always help you do better in your work field.

Also Read: Best ways to find software developer job in California



Saanvi Sharma

Saanvi Sharma is digital marketer and public relations manager at Saanvi is an author and editor of Ragns help career community student.