Xcode 11.3 | Remove Storyboard from project

Sapar Friday
3 min readDec 14, 2019


Today we will learn how to start a new project in Xcode 11 without storyboard. You must have done all the given steps. Good luck ;)

Step 1: Create new iOS Project

Choose a template for new project: Single View App.

Single View App

Select language to be swift and user interface as storyboard.


Step 2: Delete Storyboard

After successfully creation new project, navigate to Project Navigator found in left corner of the Xcode window. We need to delete Main.storyboard file from here.

Delete Main.Storyboard from project

Step 3: Remove Main Interface

Then move to General Tab and delete your Main Interface link here and hit enter.

If you use Xcode older than 11 version, that’s it just by doing this steps. But not with Xcode 11. If you run your app now it would crash.

Step 4: Delete Storyboard file from Info.plist

Remove Main.storyboard from Info.plist.

Delete Main.storyboard from Info.plist

Step 5: Make your app run without Storyboard

If you have seen carefully in Project Navigator you can see 2 delegate files AppDelegate.swift and SceneDelegate.swift.

So in previous Xcode’s we have seen there was UIWindow variable present in AppDelegate.swift and now for Xcode 11 it’s gone. Now you can see window variable in SceneDelegate.swift file.

In this file you need to make configuration for you load you xib file.

Add this code to SceneDelegate.swift
SceneDelegate.swift Example

🤘That’s it!

Now you can run your App without Storyboard.

I create example project in GitHub with one UILabel. You can download and test it by this link.

If it was useful to you then please 👏 for me. Thanks!!!



Sapar Friday

YouTuber, Learner, Teacher. iOS developer. Founder of Sapa.Tech online academy.