3 min readJul 29, 2022

Sapa Vault is a community driven and decentralised finance hub on the Ethereum blockchain.
The $SAPA token is non-inflationary and non-deflationary, designed to provide profit-generating strategies for its holders powered by a complete decentralised and autonomous system on the Ethereum Blockchain.

Our ecosystem aims to support the growth and developments of the crypto community.
We will be the first Staking as a Service provider offering majorly stable coin staking as a yield-farming strategy. Our ecosystem offers the following products to the community:

Staking as a Service will be the first product by Sapa Vault, where users will be able to stake tokens of selected projects to earn rewards. For every withdrawal from the Sapa Vault, a 2% fee will apply, which will be added to the Sapa treasury. This treasury is governed by the sVault DAO.

  • Strategy
    sVault will host only stable coin (for now) on the SAAS platform, where projects will have its native tokens staked inside the Sapa Vault to earn reward in form of $SAPA token. A 2% withdrawal fee will be imposed when withdrawing from the value. The terms of the staking withdrawal tax may be subject to change, as it is dependent on the relationship between Sapa Vault and the corresponding project. To participate in the SapaVault staking program, users must hold at least 1 $SAPA token.
    SAAS NFTs are received upon depositing tokens to the sVault. These NFTs represent the amount of tokens staked, and is an asset that is tradable and transferable. As much as these NFTs are tradable, it’s worth noting that selling them means giving away access to your tokens staked in the vault and the buyer/holder of the NFT will remain in complete control of the staked tokens. The NFT will additionally be used to govern the Sapa Vault / sVault DAO.
  • sVault DAO
    sVault governance system will be powered by the sGovernors (sGov). sGov are all stakeholders on the sVault platform. All stakers receive an NFT upon depositing to the vault, this NFT is their voting power, they make decisions on matters related to the Vault system. They govern the sVault protocol.

Sapa’s second product will be the Sapa index fund. Index fund offers diversification of an investor’s portfolio by purchasing a single asset. In the past few years, traditional markets have evolved with the addition of Index funds, and has proven to be one of the best ways for portfolio managment. For investors, tapping into the potential index funds model can be a lucrative way to boost exposure to a wider range of investment opportunities in cryptocurrency. This is why we are focused on creating a lucrative investment in the crypto ecosystem by building a portfolio of best performing assets on the Ethereum network.

To make investment easier for both new and current crypto investors, Sapa’s final product will be a fiat-on-ramp integrated non custodial wallet for all users around the world. The Sapavault wallet will be the central hub for trading and investing in the Sapa ecosystem and will combine the Sapa SAAS and INDEX with other dapp wallet features, such as multi-chain bridge, multi-chain dex swap, dapp browser, all in one simple application.


Combining the uniqueness of fungible and Non-Fungible tokens, Sapa will create a one-stop gateway for all users looking for simple ways to navigate the Ethereum network.




Serious Absence of Purchasing Ability ($SAPA) is a semi-indexed token deployed on the Ethereum network.