25 Things I am going to do

Find out what excites you and go get it.



I believe we all have those things we always wanted to do, but for some reason, we haven't done them yet, and it doesn’t seem like we are planning on doing them anytime soon.

You are telling yourself you don’t have the time or the money to do it now.
So maybe later. But that later will never come with this attitude.
Excuses are going to help you to reach nothing, but to keep you away from the things you want or need.

by Uroš Jovičić on Unsplash

I have many experiences I want to gain in life. I put the most important to me on this list, to make sure I will do them before the end of this year.
The idea is to do the things I have wanted to do for a long time, but haven’t done yet.
Here is my list:

1. Learn to swim

2. Eat in a Michelin restaurant

3. Visit a country in Asia

4. Ride a motorcycle

5. Speak only French/Spanish for one week

6. Post every day for a month

7. Eat snails

8. Meditate every day for a month

9. Run at least 5 kilometers every 2 days for a month

10. Say YES to any adventure for a week

11. Be vegan for a week

12. Donate at least 50% of everything I own

13. Avoid alcohol for a month

14. Take dance classes for a month (In a new style)

15. Spend a week without social media

16. Relocate with only ONE bag

17. Don’t touch my phone for the first hour of the day — for a month

18. Try a new thing every week for a month

19. Wake up before 10 AM for a month

20. Visit at least 5 different countries (Must be different languages)

21. Take a cooking class

22. Fly in business/first class

23. Volunteer

24. Travel to a Muslim country

25. Experience extreme activity

by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash

I encourage you to make your own list. Write down all the things you want to do this year. A year is a large time frame to accomplish anything you would like.

The secret is to give yourself a reasonable time frame to make it, so you will have no more excuses.

If you are a person who attends to give up quickly, don’t put more than 12 items on your list. One for each month.
Every month pick the item/s you are going to focus on and ask yourself the following questions:

What amount of money do I need to make it happen?
How much time do I need to clear in order to make it happen?

Those questions will help you understand what it takes to delete this item from your list.
Remember, If it is on your list, It means it is important enough for you to make the TIME and to find the MONEY.

We should all turn those things we always wanted to do into things we have done.

Before you go: I would love to read what do you think. Feel free to share with me your list!

