The Difference Between Study Hard And Study Well

The lesson which saves me time and money, and can save you too



Most of the people I know went to universality. I was about to walk down this road myself, but then I got one of the most important lessons in my life.

I learned the difference between studying hard and studying well. This lesson saves me a few years, around 10,000 EUR, and maybe most important, it saves me from being unhappy and unsatisfied with my life.

You can and you should learn this lesson yourself as soon as possible.
Anyone following the next three steps can save himself money and time.

Step 1— Find out what the hell do you want to do with your life

You know those people who always knew they are going to be a doctor or a lawyer. They already know what they need to do, and what’s left is start working on it. Most of us are not like those people.

Most of us are still doubting or not sure what is it that we want to do.

This is a very hard question you will need to ask yourself.
Don’t be stressed about it, It can take you a few years to answer that question. I realized myself after 2 years, a lot of jobs, and some failures.

“There’s no such thing as what you ‘should’ be doing with your life. If you’re not holding yourself back from something you really want to try, and you enjoy the way you spend your day, then you’re a smashing success” — Lori Deschene

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Stage 2 — Ask yourself what you need to learn in order to become what you want

The majority of the people will go to university as a default, learn something general like Computer Science, hoping to get a job in that field instead of learning something specific they would like to do (like coding or developing).

Is going to university is necessary for what you want to do?

In many cases going to a specific school will be more relevant. Sometimes you can educate yourself or take specific courses — It will cost you less and will definitely save you the most beautiful years of your life.

By going to university for three or six years, spending hours of learning something you are not going to use after — you are wasting your time, your money, your energy, and sometimes even the motivation to work in the field you actually went to learn.

You can become professional by focusing on the things you really need to learn.

With the rest of your time, you can make money, build or create something in your field, start gaining some experience in the real world or even learn something you always wanted but never did (cinema or literature).

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think going to university is always bad or a waste of your time, but going to university for the wrong reasons it is.

Ask yourself WHY are you going to the university.

Is it because everyone going?
Because the society (parents, friends) putting pressure on you?
Because you think this is the way to get a good job after?

If you don’t go to university because you truly want that, you are going for the wrong reasons.

I found out what I want to do in my life, and instead of going to university, learning 3 years something general like Economics or Accounting, I went to trade school, took all the cores I needed to become a basic trader and I moved on from there.

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Stage 3 — Never stop learning

Learning is a process that lasts as long as you live. There are many ways to learn — by trying things, failing, traveling, going to school, reading, asking, watching movies or videos, and so on.

As you grow up, you have more control over your life. You get to choose what you want to learn and what is the best method for yourself.
You can try many ways until you will find out what are the right ways for you.

Once you have found out, learn.

Every day try to clear one hour and focus on learning something, anything.

It can be one big thing that will improve or upgrade your life, but it can also be something like learning a language.

Once the one hour practice turns easy, you can take it to the next level:
Invest at least 50% of your “free” time in learning.

“Free” time means the 40 min on the way from work, two hours you spend in front of the TV and so on.

Use that time-space to learn something, read, watch some short learning videos. Educate yourself, teach yourself something which will turn you into a better version of yourself, something that will bring more value to your life.

To think you don’t have time is a conman's mistake. review your week, find those time frames you are “free” and used them wisely.

Most people scroll through Facebook and watch NETFLIX because they want a break from real life. This is pure escapism, and I get that.

By making an effort to minimize it, you are leveling up yourself and the impact on your life will be worth this.

“ I still have a long way to go, but I’m already so far from where I used to be, and I’m proud of that.”

