3 tips for choosing a question to ask the tarot (with examples)

Imogen Oakes
2 min readMay 20, 2022


Choosing a question to ask the tarot can be overwhelming. You may be looking for a tarot reading, but the thought of narrowing down a question might be daunting.

Digital illustration of five navy and gold tarot cards and two white hands with green painted nails.
Tarot Reading Illustration by SaplingTarot

I have put together a few tips and examples to help you phrase your question for the tarot.

Keep your questions open — although it is possible to ask the tarot yes or no questions, if you’re having a reading with more than one card it might be a better use of your tarot reading to ask something broader.

Try what/where/how questions — to help keep your questions more open try starting them with what, where or how. Some tarot card readers might be happy to answer more specific questions like “when” or “who” but you will get more from your reading if you give your tarot reader room to read the full story in the cards.

It’s all about you — many tarot readers will only answer questions about the querent (the person receiving the reading), if you want to ask about someone else either you or the reader will have to reword the question to fit with this rule.
For instance “how does my partner feel about me?” Could be reworked to “what do I need to know about my relationship?”.


“What do I need to know about (x)?”

“Where do I need to direct my focus?”

“How can I best find inspiration?”

“What must I learn about (x)?”

“Where can I find (x) in my life?”

“How can I make the transition from (x) to (x)?”

Sometimes you might not know exactly what to ask, that is ok too! If this is the case it would be good to opt for general reading and let your tarot reader know the vague area you’re looking for insight or guidance on. This can also be a good opportunity to have a broader reading with more cards.

