How MOE is trying to streamline Malaysia’s education process through the SAPS

3 min readDec 23, 2017


SAPS is the latest technique that is the school assessment analysis program. It is basically web based and it allows the analysis of exam results of the students. The parents of the students also have access to this portal where they can check the results of their children in real time and keep a tab on them. The teachers also use this program in order to enter the student information online rather than doing it manually. This way, everything is online and streamlined in order to provide easy access to all parties interested in the exams and test results while at the same time, ensuring privacy as well as storage of the data.

MOE has been trying to streamline SAPS into the education system since 2014

The Ministry of Education (MOE) of Malaysia has taken this initiative to set up this highly innovative and specialized system of grading where the parents can check the progress of their children from anywhere and anytime. The teachers can input the information of the student, be it test results or exam results or simple attendance. This gives an overall picture of the performance of the student in school, where the students, the parents and the teacher are all on the same page. Moreover, this portal which shows the details and the information of the performance of each child can also be accessible to other concerned parties like the ministry of education (moe), the state education department as well as the regional education office and of course, the school. These educational bodies help to further enhance the results of this system to make sure it is being implemented and used with the teachers and the students. Furthermore, the data and information of each individual student is not just displayed on the system but also stored on the system which shows the overall performance of the child throughout the school year. This helps to show how the students are doing overall, in a school or a state or in a particular subject, etc. This helps the state educational bodies or the ministry of education as well in order to improve their level of education where it is needed or helps them to decide where to focus their resources.


SAPS NKRA is part of the saps platform, which is all about the web storing of the students’ test and exam results. The SAP NKRA is for the teachers or the educators. This is accessed by the teachers so that they can in put the results of each of the student. This helps to reduce the work load of the teachers and to streamline the process of grading. This helps the teachers to assess quickly at a glance which students may be in need of additional assistance or help in a particular area of study or a subject. Since the results are available from previous tests also, this helps to find a trend whether the students are not doing well in a subject as a one off thing or whether certain students have been failing continuously. This is a great initiative that is introduced by MOE which helps to quickly analyze the students who required extra help and also for storing and recording of student data.


SAPS Ibu Bapa is the other part of the SAP portal, that is used by the parents or the guardians of the students. No matter where they are, they can have access to the academic performance of their child. Nowadays when both parents are working and may be travelling, this is the ideal form of communication they can have with the school, where they stay in touch with the performance of their children in school, without physically visiting the school at all. This system thus helps to solve the problem of parents being unaware of how their child is doing in school.


SAPS system has come a long way and it is generally being accepted by both the parents as well as the teachers. There are of course certain setbacks and it will take time for it to be implemented thoroughly but as of now it is still in progress. Thus, MOE, The Ministry of Education is making great efforts to streamline this system across the whole country and in all schools so that all students, teachers and the parents can take benefit from this latest method of grading and checking results.

Originally published at on December 23, 2017.




Sistem Analisis Peperiksaan Sekolah (SAPS) NKRA is a new centralized website launched by the Government to help teachers,parents and students.