Content Guidelines

2 min readDec 14, 2016


SAP TV on Medium wants to hear from you. We welcome content submissions from SAP interns, employees, executives, partners, customers, and those whose lives Run Simple. All you need is a Medium account!

If you’re posting content on Medium that you think would be of interest to our audience, please let us know. Our editors will review your submission for grammar, clarity, and style before being published on our page. Select articles will be featured and promoted via @SAPTV on Twitter and we encourage you to share your posts thought your own social media accounts to keep the conversation going.

Before submitting, please make sure your piece adheres to the following content guidelines:

  • Language — While this a more causal setting for our content, we’re still a professional outlet so let’s keep it PG.
  • Relevance — Please make sure your submissions are relevant and appropriate to the site. For example, posts are not the place to rant about subjects like political ideologies or bad experiences at events.
  • Internal vs. External — If you are a contributing SAP employee please remember that some content cannot be externally shared. If you’re unsure, clarify with a team member or leader before submitting your post.
  • Intellectual property — Don’t copy and paste the work of other writers. If you’ve published a piece elsewhere that you think would fit with this site, that’s great! Plagiarizing and paraphrasing another person’s content — that’s not great.
  • Promotional content — While this site is run by SAP, we are not looking to publish press releases or other heavily promotional content tied to any business entities. We have a human voice, not a corporate one.

