PinnedPublished inProAndroidDevJetpack Compose: Passing data implicitly in UI Tree.What is CompositionLocal ? when/how can we use it? How to pass widely used data between different composable screens? We will answer such…Jan 19, 20241Jan 19, 20241
PinnedPublished inLevel Up CodingGradle Convention Plugins — Shared build logic — Android muti-module ProjectThe complete guide about how to handle shared build logic in a multi-module project using gradle Convention plugins.Jan 2, 20243Jan 2, 20243
PinnedPublished inProAndroidDevBest Practices for Compose Navigation in Multi-Module ProjectThe story will elaborate and implement best practices for Compose Navigation.Sep 25, 20232Sep 25, 20232
PinnedPublished inProAndroidDevJetpack Compose — Deep-dive into derivedStateOf and comparison with remember(key)derivedStateOf helps to avoid unnecessary recompositions to achieve better performance. In the story we will deep-dive into derivedStateOf…May 31, 20235May 31, 20235
PinnedPublished inLevel Up CodingError Handling in Clean Architecture using Flow and Jetpack ComposeHow to handle errors nicely in Clean Architecture using Kotlin Flows and Jetpack Compose?Jul 10, 20235Jul 10, 20235
Published inProAndroidDevMigration from Kapt to KSPKapt is now in maintenance mode so why not migrate to KSP ?Nov 13, 20231Nov 13, 20231
Published inLevel Up CodingMigrating from Groovy to Kotlin DSLThe story will go through steps required to migrate Groovy build script to Kotlin DSL.Nov 12, 2023Nov 12, 2023
Published inProAndroidDevMigrating to Version CatalogVersion catalog enables to add and maintain dependencies at a central place.Nov 10, 2023Nov 10, 2023
Published inProAndroidDevDrawer Navigation using Material 3 in Jetpack ComposeIn Material 2 Drawer navigation was part of Scaffold composable but from Material 3 it’s a stand alone component which we will explore in…Sep 21, 20231Sep 21, 20231
Published inProAndroidDevBuild, Sign and Create Release build using Github ActionsIn the story we will see what we need and how to create a workflow to build, sign and create Android release using Github Actions.Aug 29, 2023Aug 29, 2023