Top 5 Dark VS Code Themes for 2022

Sara Peksin
3 min readMay 26, 2022


We all know that Visual Studio Code is probably the most popular text editor amongst programmers. It is great for creating mobile and web apps. With a collection of millions of great development extensions and themes, it allows everyone to create a unique workplace. This article will talk about my top 5 VS Code dark themes in 2022. that everyone should try.

  1. Tokyo Night
Tokyo Night

I will start with one of my favorites — Tokyo Night. This VSCode theme has a blueish color scheme with pastel highlighting syntax. It is amazing for when you want something that will not strain your eyes at night, but also be really good looking even during the day. This theme also comes with another version of the dark theme — Tokyo Night Storm which is a bit more on the blue side and a bit more colorful.

2. Aura


This theme has a pretty similar vibe as the one we’ve talked about before, the difference is that this one is more on the purple side. It comes with 4 themes in a pack :

  • Aura Dark
  • Aura Dark (Soft Text)
  • Aura Soft Dark
  • Aura Soft Dark (Soft Text)

Aura theme is amazing for coding day and night because it is really comfortable on the eyes.

3. Synthax


This theme is a bit more playful. If you like synthwave or cyberpunk aesthetics, you will definitely want to try this one. Synthax theme is high contrast, colorful theme with main focus on shades of blue and purple. If you are someone who loves coding at night, with this theme you can expect a small strain in your eyes because it is really colorful with high contrast.

4. Winter is Coming

Winter is Coming

This name is probably known to most of you, right? As you would think, this is a blue-based theme with cold color syntax highlighting. In the dark pack, you can choose between italics and without italics. If you like cool undertones, this theme will be perfect for you.

5. Dracula Official

Dracula Official

This theme is clean and colorful at the same time. How? Well, it gives you a clean background with colorful but pastel highlighting syntax. This one is really popular amongst programmers because it is great for coding at night.



Sara Peksin

I’m a CIT from Bosnia and Herzegovina, who is currently in her master’s program. My biggest passions are web development and cyber security.