Back To School with Planet: a K-8 Series

Sara Safavi
Planet Stories
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2020
© 2020, Planet Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved

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Recently, a few Planeteers and myself realized that while we all love talking about Earth, space, satellites and rockets — we rarely have the opportunity to speak to an audience of excited young STEM enthusiasts. As a result of that conversation, I’m pleased to announce a new series of stories for K-8 grade students: we’re calling this Back to School with Planet.

Each week for the next six weeks, we’ll introduce a new theme related to Earth and Space science. A new blog post and related activity ideas will go up every Monday. Follow Planet Stories or @planetlabs on Twitter for weekly updates.

Each week’s activity ideas will include an invitation to share your work with —this is completely optional of course, but we’d really love to see what you come up with. Future posts may feature your submitted drawings, pictures, or stories.

Kick off is next week! On September 7 we’ll start by learning about Earth observation with my story Hello, World! Hope to see you there. 🌍 💜 🛰️

Who We Are

Meet the Planeteers behind the scenes of our Back to School series:

(L) Mariana Curdoglo is a Solutions Engineer at Planet who enjoys puzzles and space. (M) Valerie Houseman enjoys using science to solve problems as a Geospatial Software Engineer at Planet. (R) Mike Safyan is VP of Launch at Planet.
(L) Lisa Huang-North is a customer focused, data driven product management leader. She is a Product & Program Lead at Planet. (M) Tanya Harrison is a Professional Martian currently visiting Earth. She is a Planetary Geologist at Planet. (R) Sara Safavi, a tiny satellite enthusiast, is the Head of Developer Relations at Planet.



Sara Safavi
Planet Stories

Using space to help life on earth at Planet Labs. Dev Rel, geo-things, software, and people.