Can You Really Find Best Astaxanthin Supplement Brand (On The Web)?

Sara William
4 min readAug 16, 2021


Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

As more and more supplements start popping up, figuring out just who to trust is getting harder and harder. This is especially so if you are trying hard to sort out the authentic ones from the inauthentic. If you’ve got your heart set on the potential power of astaxanthin, but you aren’t sure where to settle as far as brand choices, no fear. Here are some tips to help you narrow down your search results.

5 tips for fine-tuning your supplement brand search

Using your intellect, you’ll be able to best arm yourself in your search by looking at what your choices are really offering you. From brand to brand, and choice to choice, here are the top focus areas!

  1. Know the numbers: The reason that astaxanthin is so popular is that it’s so effective. Some brands and choices will play off that by promising ridiculous claims about magical cures or even undervaluing it simply because they don’t focus on its science. To best protect yourself, make sure that you know the actual science and numbers. For example, the best astaxanthin supplement will be 6000x more potent than vitamin C and an impressive 550x stronger green tea. Anything that promises anything more than that is lying, and anything below that is unaware of astaxanthin’s full potential!
  2. Skip the synthetics: Natural astaxanthin, much like most dietary supplements, is the best one. Synthetic ingredients cannot provide the same results as natural ones because natural ingredients always work better for the body. Natural astaxanthin is the world’s more powerful antioxidant, and it is as wholesome and hard-working as you could ask for. Penetrating the blood-brain barrier to help purify your brain just as no chemical ever can, is the actual, real deal. Because it’s natural and, well, real.
  3. Be wary of buzzwords: There will be some terms and words that are used over and over again. They are authentic, of course, and describe astaxanthin’s raw potential. For example, you’ll find a lot of literature out there explaining how it helps improve concentration for studying or work, etc. It also helps protect nerve function and can have positive effects on eye health. That’s what it’s intended to do. All of this is true. But, when you see ads and websites dedicated to promoting astaxanthin as some sort of miracle cure, likely, these are just being used as buzzwords.

    After all, aiding in memory support (such as increasing memory) is one detail, whereas supposed claims to help you remember everything is another. Again, it all comes down to using science to back up the real potentials for astaxanthin, not promising the moon through the proper “empty” words. As Supplements: A scorecard [1] explains, manufacturers aren’t required to prove that they work. You’ll want to make sure that you don’t get caught up in a web of deceit and go with truly trustworthy producers.
  4. Be prepared for digging: Whenever you find options that seem similar, be ready to dig a little bit more into the brand and/or the product. Read the nutrition label to make sure that it lines up with the marketing content. Likewise, spend as much time learning about the brand that sells the supplements as you do about the supplement itself. A brand that can be trusted from sourcing to selling is a supplement that can also be trusted for the same reasons!
  5. Trust your gut: An oldie but a goodie. If your gut tells you that something is too good to be true, it most likely is. Your instinct is a powerful thing, and it means that you’re going to be able to “sniff out” the real deal by blending the tips above with some old-fashioned gut intuition to seal the deal.

Your health deserves the best

Your body deserves the best. This is why you’re spending your time reading up on how to distinguish the right best astaxanthin supplement brand, after all. These five tips will offer you the guidance that you need when it comes to sorting out the real deal from the alternatives. There’s a lot to be said for the comfort coming from knowing that you are making an informed decision, as well. The more you know, the better care you can take of your body!

From its potent antioxidants to its sheer potential compared to other vitamins and minerals, astaxanthin is well worth the time spent researching. When sourced from the right place, you’ll enjoy all of those health benefits that you deserve and know that you’re doing your part to trust and promote what you feel is best for you. That goes a really long way for a healthy and productive future.


[1] Supplements: A scorecard — Harvard Health

