Best Self Improvement Podcasts

3 min readApr 22, 2023

I love listening to podcasts centered around self-improvement and psychology. The following list includes podcasts that have changed the way I think and helped me develop the tools and skills needed to grow and improve my mental health.

  1. The Huberman Lab- The Huberman podcast features Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist and professor at Stanford University. The podcast covers a range of topics, including how to improve sleep and leverage dopamine for motivation. I love how Dr. Huberman simplifies complicated scientific concepts and is intentional with the information he shares. Occasionally, he invites experts in their fields such as Dr. Wendy Suzuki and Dr. Layne Norton to discuss various topics related to neuroscience, nutrition, and fitness. I find it amazing how he has made this information free and easily accessible

2. Feminist Wellness: Feminist Wellness is hosted by Victoria Albina, a certified life coach and registered nurse. I love this podcast’s emphasis on holistic healing and self-compassion. The podcast introduced me to somatics and the importance of mind-body connection, which has been life-changing for me. Victoria uses a science-based approach to break down heavy topics such as depression and anxiety. In every episode, she provides practical steps we can take to heal and even assigns “homework.” I can’t say enough good things about this podcast!

