DELUSION: the ecosystem to capture and sell your dreams.

A Lean project based on Web3

Sara Baena
7 min readAug 10, 2024
Promotional spot

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Who can say they remember their dream from today? It’s hard to remember our dreams every day. Sometimes we remember emotions or sensations, but that’s as far as it goes. It can be very frustrating not to be able to share that amazing dream or that nightmare worthy of being written by Stephen King…

I never remember what I dream; it all stays within my inner world. Wouldn’t it be amazing to access our dreams whenever we want? Or even better, to know what others dream about: our family, friends, pets, or even our idols!

Why is it interesting to remember dreams?

  • Because then, you can share them with others.
  • You could pursue the idea you dreamed of.
  • You can learn from them.

According to John Lennon, “The art of dreaming is the first step towards infinite creativity.”

The best part is that dreams don’t limit or judge us; they free us from the constraints of reality and make us feel liberated. They are our pure essence, and the most valuable thing we can do is learn from them.

Welcome to Delusion, an innovative ecosystem that uses blockchain and the dream creativity of Artificial Intelligence to create works of art from our dreams.

Sounds like Black Mirror, right?

And what makes up this ecosystem?

Mainly a device called Delusion Dot, which non-invasively monitors and records neural activity while you sleep.

It connects to your mobile device via Bluetooth to send the collected data to our AI, which will represent the dreams as digital art.

mockup with the prototype of the Delusion App
Delusion App Prototype

These data are securely transmitted through the blockchain network to our Delusion App.

Here you can see your dream metrics (hours of deep sleep, REM phase, etc.), your digital creations, the MarketPlace to sell the NFTs associated with your digital art or buy those of other users, and the wallet where your earnings are stored.

Delusion steps: connect, capture, discover and monetize.

What technology is behind Delusion?

  • Electroencephalography (EEG): A non-invasive method to monitor and record the brain’s electrical activity.
  • AI: Generates the prompt and represents dreams as digital art, either in images or videos.
  • Blockchain: Enables smart contracts that guarantee greater privacy and security for users.
  • Implementation of Non-Fungible Token (NFT): Allows users to effectively own their digital creations.
  • Payment gateway: Allows payments and currency conversions (cryptocurrencies, euro, etc.). For this functionality, we are integrated with Binance.

And how did we come to create Delusion?

I’ll tell you right now 👇🏽

Creation Process

🤝🏽 Team: Silvia Recio, Vani Puente, and Sara Baena.

🗓️ Timeline: 2 weeks

🧠 Framework: We chose the Lean methodology because it could quickly test our idea and improve it with user feedback.

🚩 Challenge: Creating innovative ideas using Web3.

lean UX: think, make and check


We started by informing ourselves about what Web3 has to offer through DESK RESEARCH: decentralization, greater privacy and security, digital ownership, decentralized economies, transparency…

Once we understood this new world, we conducted a BRAINSTORMING session with the craziest and most surreal ideas we could think of, and after much debate and voting, the first seed of Delusion was planted.

Part of the Brainstormung made by the team

The chosen idea was based on the interpretation of celebrity dreams, where they could sell them for charitable purposes.

At this point, we decided to conduct a BENCHMARKING, where we found very interesting platforms like Wakefully ro Dream Interpreter, where your dreams are analyzed and interpreted through artificial intelligence. But unlike Delusion, they are not represented as images, and in both, you have to write a prompt, meaning you have to remember your dreams.

We also took a look at all the NFT MarketPlaces that exist, such as OpenSea o Nifty Gateway Studios , to understand how they work and base our ideas on them.

Lean UX doesn’t work with requirements, but with assumptions; so after the research, we conducted a RISK MATRIX to focus on the most unknown and highest-risk assumptions:

Idea Reformulation

The team began to ask itself a series of questions:

Why just celebrities? What if we all could benefit from this?

This is when Delusion really came to life; we decided that everyone should have the opportunity to get their Delusion Dot, remember their dreams, and monetize them if they want 💸.

2. DO

To help us manage the project more agilely, user-centered, and with the entire team aligned, we created a LEAN UX CANVAS:

Lean UX made by the team

Later, to get into the shoes of the users we were targeting, we created two PROTO-PERSONAS:

Proto-personas created by the team

Time to Design!

We started by designing the Delusion Dot, as it’s the main product of this ecosystem. We wanted something ergonomic, comfortable for sleeping, and with an elegant design that doesn’t attract attention.

Delusion Dot Design

The next step was to create the WIREFRAMES for the Delusion App. It had to be very intuitive and easy to use since, being Web3, many users aren’t familiar with this type of MarketPlace.

Hand-drawn wireframes of the app

At the same time, we decided on the structure of the landing page. In both designs, we had to do a BENCHMARKING to get inspired and create a comprehensive design.

Hand-drawn wireframes of the landing page

We also developed the STYLE GUIDE for Delusion, deciding on the different fonts and colors we used in the MVP.

We chose these tones because they represent calmness, sleep, and the dreamlike; always focusing on accessibility. The team concluded that these were the most appropriate to capture the essence of Delusion.

Final Product

With the mood board, low-fidelity wireframes, and the style guide ready, the team was more than prepared to set up and design the real landing page on WordPress:

Visit us here

We created a design in Figma to show how the Delusion app looks and works, with its desktop version for those who prefer to use a computer:

prototype of the delusion desktop web


Once finished, we launched our MVP to the market to get user feedback and iterate as needed to achieve the best possible product.

To measure results, we used metrics obtained from Google Analytics 4:

Did we meet our objectives?

👍🏽 For the most part, YES. We achieved a higher number of visits than expected, a high number of newsletter subscriptions, and our CTA received 40% clicks.

👎🏽 We didn’t reach the average of 40 seconds per user on the website, which means the page isn’t interesting enough, or many users enter by mistake or with different expectations.

What else did we learn from Google Analytics?

Besides basic metrics, we have data on user origin, the device they access from, screen resolution, operating systems, etc. All this information can be very useful for understanding our users and designing around them!

It’s interesting how users from Spain have a higher average interaction than those from other countries. This might validate our hypothesis that several users enter by mistake 🤷🏽‍♀️ (especially Americans).

To complement all this information, we used Hotjar, an analysis tool that shows, among other things, heat maps and interaction maps of your website.

These results surprised us because we didn’t expect so many users to reach the bottom of the landing page. Also, many of the taps were concentrated on the CTA, Instagram, and the newsletter, indicating they were interested in learning more!


To conclude our work with the Lean UX methodology, I want to say that it has been an incredible and enriching experience. Working as a team in this way has allowed us to collaborate closely, share ideas, and learn a lot from each other. This framework has kept us focused on the user, iterating quickly and adjusting our product based on real feedback, which has been key to the success of our project.

We still have a lot to improve and learn, but it’s clear that Delusion has a future given the metrics, so all the effort has been worth it!

I’m very proud of the work we’ve done together and the results we’ve achieved. I’ve enjoyed every step of the process, from the initial research to seeing the MVP working so well.

Thanks for reading! See you next time 👋🏼

