How to Recover Deleted Emails from iCloud: 2024’s Pro Tips

5 min readJun 19, 2024


Are you worried about losing important emails? Do you want to know how to recover deleted emails from iCloud? In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to recover your deleted emails and ensure that you never lose any important information again.

Step 1: Accessing iCloud

The first step is to access your iCloud account. Open a web browser and go to Enter your Apple ID and password to log in to your iCloud account.

Step 2: Navigating to the Mail App

Once you are logged in to your iCloud account, you will see various app icons. Click on the Mail app icon to access your email account.

Step 3: Searching for Deleted Emails

In the Mail app, look for the search bar located at the top of the screen. Type in relevant keywords or the email address of the deleted email you want to recover. Press Enter or click on the magnifying glass icon to initiate the search.

Step 4: Checking the Trash Folder

If the deleted email is found, it will be displayed in the search results. However, if it is not found, it may have been moved to the Trash folder. Click on the Trash folder located in the sidebar to check if the deleted email is there.

Step 5: Restoring Deleted Emails

If you have found the deleted email in the search results or the Trash folder, you can now proceed to restore it. Right-click on the email and select the “Move to” option. Choose the appropriate folder or inbox to move the email back to its original location.

Step 6: Using Time Machine (Mac Users)

If you are a Mac user and have enabled Time Machine backup, you can use it to recover deleted emails from iCloud. Open the Time Machine app on your Mac and navigate to the date and time when the email was still present in your inbox. Select the email and click on the “Restore” button to recover it.

Step 7: Contacting Apple Support

If you have tried all the above steps and are still unable to recover the deleted email, it is recommended to contact Apple Support for further assistance. They have the necessary tools and expertise to help you recover your lost emails.

Preventing Email Loss in the Future

While it’s important to know how to recover deleted emails, it’s equally important to take preventive measures to avoid such situations in the future. Here are some tips to help you prevent email loss:

  • Regularly Backup Your Emails: Set up automatic backups of your emails to ensure that even if they get deleted, you have a copy stored in a safe location.
  • Archive Important Emails: Instead of deleting important emails, create an archive folder and move them there. This way, you can always access them when needed.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Adding an extra layer of security to your iCloud account can help prevent unauthorized access and potential email loss.
  • Be Cautious with Deletion: Before deleting any email, double-check to make sure it is not important. You can also create a system where you move emails to a separate folder before deleting them permanently.

By following these preventive measures, you can minimize the risk of losing important emails and ensure the safety of your data.

How to Recover Deleted Emails from iCloud: 2024's Pro Tips
How to Recover Deleted Emails from iCloud: 2024's Pro Tips

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Recover Deleted Emails From Icloud?

If you accidentally deleted an email from iCloud, you can recover it by logging in to your iCloud account and accessing the “Recently Deleted” folder. From there, you can select the email and move it back to your inbox.

Can Clean Email Recover Deleted Emails From Icloud?

No, Clean Email is an email management tool that helps you clean up your mailbox by organizing emails into smart folders and unsubscribing from unwanted email lists. It does not have the ability to recover deleted emails from iCloud.

How Does Clean Email Help Manage My Mailbox?

Clean Email uses filters and rules to organize your emails into smart folders, making it easier to review and clean them up. You can also use the Unsubscriber feature to unsubscribe from unwanted email lists and the Auto Clean feature to automatically apply selected actions to incoming emails.

Is Clean Email Safe And Secure?

Yes, Clean Email values your privacy and does not sell your personal email data. All data is encrypted with SSL and stored securely in the cloud. Clean Email also complies with GDPR and CCPA regulations.

Can Clean Email Help Me With Inbox Zero?

Yes, Clean Email can help you achieve inbox zero by organizing your emails into smart folders and suggesting emails to clean up. You can also use the Auto Clean feature to automatically apply selected actions to incoming emails.

How Does Unsubscriber Work In Clean Email?

Unsubscriber sends unsubscribe requests on your behalf and blocks mailing lists and senders who do not respect such requests. You can also manage your subscriptions more efficiently by choosing to Read Later, Pause, or Keep Newest.

Does Clean Email Work With Other Email Providers Besides Icloud?

Yes, Clean Email works with all major email providers, including Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, and more.

How Much Does Clean Email Cost?

Clean Email offers a variety of pricing plans, including a free trial and paid plans starting at $7. 99/month. You can also purchase lifetime access for a one-time fee of $199. 99.


Recovering deleted emails from iCloud is a straightforward process if you follow the steps outlined in this guide. By accessing your iCloud account, searching for deleted emails, checking the Trash folder, and using Time Machine (for Mac users), you can easily restore your lost emails. Additionally, taking preventive measures such as regular backups and archiving important emails can help you avoid future email loss. Remember to always be cautious when deleting emails and reach out to Apple Support if you need further assistance. Safeguard your emails and never lose important information again!

For more email management solutions and to simplify your mailbox, try Clean Email. Clean Email helps you manage your mailbox overloaded with unread and unwanted emails more efficiently — while keeping your data safe and respecting your privacy. Clean up emails with our email inbox cleaner app.




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