Have you ever thought about how computers can create pictures, stories, and music that seem like they were made by people? That’s where Generative Adversarial Networks, or GANs, come in! GANs are like a team of two players inside a computer. One player tries to make something new, like a drawing of a cat, while the other player tries to decide if it looks real or not. Introduced in 2014, GANs have become super famous in the world of computer smarts. They’re like magic tools for computers, helping them paint, write, and make music that’s so good, you might think it’s human-made! And guess what? It’s all just a friendly game inside the computer, making it better and better at creating awesome stuff that looks totally real. Let’s dive in and learn more about GANs, they’re seriously cool!

Sarada Balachandran Nair Sumadevi
3 min readMar 25, 2024


Imagine you have two friends, one is an artist and the other is a critic. The artist loves to draw pictures, but sometimes their drawings aren’t quite perfect — they might have a few mistakes or not look very realistic. That’s where the critic comes in. The critic’s job is to carefully examine the artist’s drawings and decide if they’re good or not. They’re like a detective, trying to spot any flaws or inconsistencies.

Now, the artist really wants to improve their drawing skills. So, they come up with a clever idea: they’ll play a game with the critic to help them get better. In this game, the artist will draw a picture, and the critic has to guess whether it’s a real picture or one made by the artist.

But here’s the catch: the artist wants to trick the critic into thinking their drawings are real. So, every time they play the game, the artist tries to make their drawings more and more realistic. They practice a lot and pay attention to the critic’s feedback, making adjustments to their drawings to make them better.

At the same time, the critic is also getting better at their job. They learn from the mistakes they make during the game and become more skilled at telling whether a picture is real or not.

This ongoing game between the artist and the critic is a bit like a dance — they’re constantly learning from each other and trying to outsmart one another. And that’s exactly how a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) works!

In a GAN, the artist is like the generator, creating pictures (or other types of data), while the critic is like the discriminator, trying to distinguish between real and fake data. They both learn and improve over time by playing this game together, resulting in the generation of more realistic and convincing data. It’s a fascinating process that has led to some truly impressive advancements in artificial intelligence and computer creativity.

The fundamental idea behind GANs is to pit two neural networks against each other in a game-like scenario:

1.Generator: This network generates new data instances. It takes random noise as input and produces data (such as images, audio, text) that is intended to be indistinguishable from real data.

2.Discriminator: This network evaluates the generated data, attempting to distinguish between real data and data created by the generator. Its task is to classify whether the input data is real or fake.

During the training process, the generator aims to produce data that is increasingly difficult for the discriminator to differentiate from real data, while the discriminator aims to become more accurate in distinguishing real data from fake data. They are trained simultaneously, with the generator attempting to fool the discriminator and the discriminator striving to become better at its classification task.

Through this adversarial process, both the generator and discriminator improve over time, leading to the generation of high-quality synthetic data that closely resembles the real data distribution. GANs have been applied in various domains such as image generation, style transfer, text generation, and more. They have shown remarkable success in creating realistic-looking data and have become an active area of research in machine learning and artificial intelligence.

